Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces on Aluminum Alloy Via Electrodeposition of Copper Followed

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Superhydrophobic aluminum surfaces have been prepared by means of electrodeposition of copper on aluminum surfaces, followed by electrochemical modification using stearic acid organic molecules. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) images show that the electrodeposited copper films follow “island growth mode” in the form of microdots and their number densities increase with the rise of the negative deposition potentials. At an electrodeposition potential of-0.2 V the number density of the copper microdots are found to be 4.5×104cm~(-2)that are increased to 2.9×105cm~(-2)at a potential of-0.8 V. Systematically, the distances between the microdots are found to be reduced from 26.6 μm to 11.03 μm with the increase of negative electrochemical potential from-0.2 V to-0.8 V. X-ray diffraction(XRD) analyses have confirmed the formation of copper stearate on the stearic acid modified copper films. The roughness of the stearic acid modified electrodeposited copper films is found to increase with the increase in the density of the copper microdots. A critical copper deposition potential of-0.6 V in conjunction with the stearic acid modification provides a surface roughness of 6.2 μm with a water contact angle of 157?, resulting in superhydrophobic properties on the aluminum substrates. Superhydrophobic aluminum surfaces have been prepared by means of electrodeposition of copper on aluminum surfaces, followed by electrochemical modification using stearic acid organic molecules. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show that the electrodeposited copper films follow “island growth mode ” in the form of microdots and their number densities increase with the rise of the negative deposition potentials. At an electrodeposition potential of-0.2 V the number density of the copper microdots are found to be 4.5 × 104 cm -2 that are increased to 2.9 × 105 cm ~ (-2) at a potential of-0.8 V. Systematically, the distances between the microdots are found to be reduced from 26.6 μm to 11.03 μm with the increase of negative potential from-0.2 V to-0.8 V. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyzes have confirmed the formation of copper stearate on the stearic acid modified copper films. The roughness of the stearic acid modified electrodeposited copper films is found to increase with the increase in the density of the copper microdots. A critical copper deposition potential of-0.6 V in conjunction with the stearic acid modification provides a surface roughness of 6.2 μm with a water contact angle of 157 °, resulting in superhydrophobic properties on the aluminum substrates.
摘要: 高层建筑所采用的结构材料、结构类型和施工方法与多层建筑有很多共同之处,但高层建筑不仅要承受较大的水平荷载, 而且高层越高相应的荷载越大, 因此高层建筑所采用的结构材料, 结构类型和施工方法又有一些特别之处。本文总结出一套工期合理、安全保证、技术先进的施工方法。  关键词: 高层建筑工程施工技术  1工程概况  1. 1工程概况  本工程为高层建筑, 抗震烈度为六度,耐火等级为一级,建筑类别
关键词:变形监测监测技术监测网研究  随着城市建设的发展,目前各类用途的地下空间已在各大中城市中得到开发利用,地下工程建设项目的数量和规模也迅速增大,如高层建筑物基坑、大型管道的深沟槽、越江隧道的暗埋矩形段及地铁工程中的车站深基坑等。基坑工程是一种临时性工程,与地区性岩土性质有关。基坑工程造价高,并且临近人口稠密区的狭小场地,在岩土性质千变万化,软土、高水位及其他复杂条件下,对周边建筑物、地下构筑
摘要:基于土质地基的不同情况,其适用的强夯加固机理以及相关参数也有其不同之处。本文通过探究填土地基处理过程中,强夯法的加固原理以及施工工艺,合理的分析地基处理的强夯法重要要点以及加固效果,并针对强夯法应用处理的具体情况,合理试夯场地应用效果,为进一步发展强夯法提供参考性依据。  关键词:强夯法;地基;建筑工程;填土施工  一、地基填土应用强夯法前沿  基于全面分析建筑施工现场地质的前提下,对比直径
钢结构通常用于高层、大跨度、体型复杂、荷载或吊车起重量大、有较大振动、高温车间、密封性要求高、要求能活动或经常装拆的结构。直观的说:大厦、体育馆、歌剧院、大桥、电视塔、仓棚、工厂、住宅和临时建筑等。这是和钢结构自身的特点相一致的。此处仅简单介绍。详请参考相关专业书籍。由于结构选型涉及广泛,做结构选型及布置应该在经验丰富的工程师指导下进行。    (一) 结构选型与结构布置    在钢结构设计的整个
钳工一般找轴类圆心都是用圆规、划针、或是放在V形块上几次找中,这样速度慢而且麻烦,以下介绍三种快速简易求轴类圆心的方法。 1.用定心角尺求中心法按照图1制作一定心角尺