
来源 :江西社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mfxtmxk
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中央苏区时期,受灌输理论的影响,在毛泽东等领导人重视、党政军相关部门共同参与的前提下,革命标语逐渐兴起并日益繁荣,成为一种重要的宣传动员方式。这一时期的革命标语内容极其丰富且具有针对性,不仅包含了共产党在这一时期的方针路线、政策策略和政治理想,而且多角度地反映了中央苏区的革命环境和斗争历程,为动员组织群众参加革命,打击敌人发挥了重要作用。同时,也促进了马克思主义大众化,并成为中共政治动员和价值构建的一种新方式,在日后长期得到运用。 During the period of the Central Soviet Area, influenced by the theory of inculcating infiltration, revolutionary slogans gradually emerged and became increasingly prosperous under the preoccupation of leaders such as Mao Zedong and the relevant departments of the party, government and military departments and became an important means of advocacy and mobilization. The content of the revolutionary slogan during this period was extremely rich and pertinent. It not only contained the line, principle, and political ideal of the Communist Party during this period, but also reflected the revolutionary environment and struggles in the Central Soviet Area from multiple angles. The masses have played an important role in participating in the revolution and in cracking down on the enemy. At the same time, it also promoted the popularization of Marxism and became a new way of political mobilization and value construction of the CPC, which has been applied for a long time to come.
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