Cancer statistics in China and United States, 2022: profiles, trends, and determinants

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a734266739
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Background::The cancer burden in the United States of America (USA) has decreased gradually. However, China is experiencing a transition in its cancer profiles, with greater incidence of cancers that were previously more common in the USA. This study compared the latest cancer profiles, trends, and determinants between China and USA.Methods::This was a comparative study using open-source data. Cancer cases and deaths in 2022 were calculated using cancer estimates from GLOBOCAN 2020 and population estimates from the United Nations. Trends in cancer incidence and mortality rates in the USA used data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program and National Center for Health Statistics. Chinese data were obtained from cancer registry reports. Data from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 and a decomposition method were used to express cancer deaths as the product of four determinant factors.Results::In 2022, there will be approximately 4,820,000 and 2,370,000 new cancer cases, and 3,210,000 and 640,000 cancer deaths in China and the USA, respectively. The most common cancers are lung cancer in China and breast cancer in the USA, and lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both. Age-standardized incidence and mortality rates for lung cancer and colorectal cancer in the USA have decreased significantly recently, but rates of liver cancer have increased slightly. Rates of stomach, liver, and esophageal cancer decreased gradually in China, but rates have increased for colorectal cancer in the whole population, prostate cancer in men, and other seven cancer types in women. Increases in adult population size and population aging were major determinants for incremental cancer deaths, and case-fatality rates contributed to reduced cancer deaths in both countries.Conclusions::The decreasing cancer burden in liver, stomach, and esophagus, and increasing burden in lung, colorectum, breast, and prostate, mean that cancer profiles in China and the USA are converging. Population aging is a growing determinant of incremental cancer burden. Progress in cancer prevention and care in the USA, and measures to actively respond to population aging, may help China to reduce the cancer burden.“,”Background::The cancer burden in the United States of America (USA) has decreased gradually. However, China is experiencing a transition in its cancer profiles, with greater incidence of cancers that were previously more common in the USA. This study compared the latest cancer profiles, trends, and determinants between China and USA.Methods::This was a comparative study using open-source data. Cancer cases and deaths in 2022 were calculated using cancer estimates from GLOBOCAN 2020 and population estimates from the United Nations. Trends in cancer incidence and mortality rates in the USA used data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program and National Center for Health Statistics. Chinese data were obtained from cancer registry reports. Data from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 and a decomposition method were used to express cancer deaths as the product of four determinant factors.Results::In 2022, there will be approximately 4,820,000 and 2,370,000 new cancer cases, and 3,210,000 and 640,000 cancer deaths in China and the USA, respectively. The most common cancers are lung cancer in China and breast cancer in the USA, and lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both. Age-standardized incidence and mortality rates for lung cancer and colorectal cancer in the USA have decreased significantly recently, but rates of liver cancer have increased slightly. Rates of stomach, liver, and esophageal cancer decreased gradually in China, but rates have increased for colorectal cancer in the whole population, prostate cancer in men, and other seven cancer types in women. Increases in adult population size and population aging were major determinants for incremental cancer deaths, and case-fatality rates contributed to reduced cancer deaths in both countries.Conclusions::The decreasing cancer burden in liver, stomach, and esophagus, and increasing burden in lung, colorectum, breast, and prostate, mean that cancer profiles in China and the USA are converging. Population aging is a growing determinant of incremental cancer burden. Progress in cancer prevention and care in the USA, and measures to actively respond to population aging, may help China to reduce the cancer burden.
目的:本研究旨在评估白蛋白紫杉醇+卡铂联合抗血管生成药物(nab-paclitaxel,carboplatin,antiangiogenic drug,NCA)方案用于既往治疗失败的晚期黑色素瘤患者的疗效和安全性.方法:收集2012年4月1日至2019年5月31日在北京大学肿瘤医院肾癌黑色素瘤科住院的黑色素瘤患者,回顾性分析NCA方案在既往治疗失败后的不可切除Ⅲ c期和Ⅳ期黑色素瘤患者中的疗效和安全性.主要终点指标为无进展生存期(PFS),次要指标为客观缓解率(ORR)、总生存期(OS)、疾病控制率(DC
目的 探析磁共振成像不同扫描序列对于肛瘘的诊断价值.方法 选取上海市嘉定区中医医院在2018年2月-2020年2月收治经手术确诊为肛瘘患者30例进行回顾性分析,患者术前均进行MRI扫描诊断,分别应用FSE T1WI平扫及增强扫描、脂肪抑制快速恢复自旋回波序列、三维容积内插快速扰相梯度回波平扫及增强扫描,对上述不同序列检查扫描方式下肛瘘病情的诊断价值进行分析归纳.结果 所纳入患者中发现有43个肛瘘外瘘口,其中三维容积内插快速扰相梯度回波平扫及增强扫描对肛瘘外瘘诊断准确率肛瘘内、瘘口诊断准确率及肛瘘瘘管分支的
目的 分析在体检人群中使用胃镜对筛查胃早癌及癌前疾病的临床效果.方法 应用随机数字表法将2019年4月-2020年4月来联勤保障部队第962医院进行检查的200例患者进行分组调查研究,对照组(n=100)患者均是因消化道症状到消化门诊进行胃镜检查的患者,实验组(n=100)是来我院进行健康体检的患者,对两组患者的检查效果进行观察评价.结果 实验组与对照组患者中胃炎的炎症程度及萎缩程度检出差异显著,实验组程度明显轻于对照组.胃黏膜萎缩及肠化程度两组对比差异并不明显.两组胃息肉及胃早癌的检出率无明显差异,两组
Background::Gene promoter methylation is a major epigenetic change in cancers, which plays critical roles in carcinogenesis. As a crucial regulator in the early stages of B-cell differentiation and embryonic neurodevelopment, the paired box 5 (n PAX5
目的 阐述高龄孕妇在妊娠中晚期阶段产检时接受唐氏筛查的作用以及价值.方法 收集邗江区妇幼保健所从2019年6月-2020年12月时间段内的100例中期孕妇研究,根据年龄将其分为观察组与对照组,每组分别纳入50例孕妇.对整体100例孕妇进行唐氏筛查,并通过羊水穿刺,分析胎儿是否存在唐氏综合征,并对比相关指标.结果 结果显示,观察组唐氏筛查阳性率为26%、羊水穿刺阳性率为14%,对照组唐氏筛查阳性率为10%、羊水穿刺阳性率为2%,对比发现P< 0.05.观察组存在不良妊娠结局的人数为9例,所占比例为18%,对
Type 2 inflammation is a complex immune response and primary mechanism for several common allergic diseases including allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis, and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. It is the predominant type of immune
目的 探讨原发性肝癌诊断中联合应用血清肿瘤标志物及血常规指标的诊断价值.方法 纳入2018年8月-2020年8月原发性肝癌患者45例进入恶性组,纳入同期肝脏良性病变患者45例进入良性组,同期健康体检者45例进入对照组,测定三组的血常规指标(WBC、NLR)及血清肿瘤标志物(AFP、CA199、CA125、CEA、CRP),观察不同诊断方法的诊断效能.结果 恶性组的AFP、CA199、CA125、CEA、WBC、NLR与良性组、对照组比较,P<0.05.联用血清肿瘤标志物与血常规指标诊断原发性肝癌的敏感度、
目的 分析睡眠剥夺在癫痫患儿视频脑电图监测中的应用价值.方法 本文收入资料为2018年12月-2020年12月底武威市凉州医院就诊的癫痫病人,共有样本90例,以随机法分组,分为研究组和参照组,每组各45例,参照组患儿开展基础脑电图干预,研究组患儿在参照组的基础上加以睡眠剥夺干预;评估所有分析资料的相关指标,总结脑电波异常的检出率以及癫痫疾病的检出率.结果 两组对比,研究组患儿的阳性检出率为97.8%,且该组脑电波异常率为95.6%,均高于参照组样本的数据结果,两组数据对比后差距明显,统计学有意义(P<0.
目的 本文研究海扶刀对比子宫肌瘤剔除术治疗子宫肌瘤的效果.方法 本次研究时间为2018年8月-2020年10月,研究对象为贵州省毕节市第一人民医院收取的80例子宫肌瘤患者.随机进行分组,每组患者各40例.对照组采用子宫肌瘤剔除术.研究组则采用海扶刀进行治疗.最后收集两组患者的治疗效果、复发概率、术后疼痛感、术后生活质量、满意度以及术后并发症等方面的数据然后对比分析.结果 研究组治疗有效率高于对照组,复发概率低于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05).研究组在治疗后疼痛感、术后并发症低于对照组,生活质量评分、治疗