Effects of sedimentary layer on earthquake source modeling from geodetic inversion

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aoyun2000
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Ground deformation as observed with GPS or InSAR has been broadly inverted in constraining source parameter of earthquakes. However, for earthquakes occurring beneath sedimentary basins, the very slow sub-surface shear velocity (v S , down to 200 m/s) may cause substantial bias to earthquake source inversion if simple crustal models are used. For Bohai basin, Sichuan basin and rock-sites, we test effects of sub-surface shear velocity structure on ground deformation, and find that up to a factor of 2 overestimate of seismic moment could be generated by the basin structures. Therefore, the very slow sub-surface velocity has to be taken into account before accurate source inversion can be applied. However, for, for earthquakes occurring beneath sedimentary basins, the very slow sub-surface shear velocity (vs, down to 200 m / s) may cause substantial bias to earthquake source inversion if simple crustal models are used. For Bohai basin, Sichuan basin and rock-sites, we test effects of sub-surface shear velocity structure on ground deformation, and find that up to a factor of 2 overestimate of seismic moment could be generated by the basin structures. Therefore, the very slow sub-surface velocity has to be taken into account before accurate source inversion can be applied.
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