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唐代吴融在《古瓦砚赋》中云:“勿谓乎柔而无刚,土埏(shān)而为瓦。勿谓乎废而不用,瓦断而为砚。”三国时曹操为揽二乔而兴建之邺城铜雀高台,相传所用砖瓦之土料皆经过澄滤,并在土料中加桃油、黄丹、铅、锡等添加剂烧制而成,质地细腻,坚实如铁。以铜雀台瓦改制之砚台者不渗水,易发墨。 Wu Rong in the Tang Dynasty in the “ancient ruby ​​Fu” in the cloud: "Do not care about soft but without just earth, soil 埏 (shān) and watts. Cao Cao embarked on two Qiao and built Tancheng Tongchao high profile, according to legend the brick used in the material are filtered through, and in the soil with peach oil, yellow dan, lead, tin and other additives from firing, delicate texture , Solid as iron. The copper taiwan tile remodeling of the inkstone who seeps, easy to send ink.
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To study how the air and sea interact with each other during El Ni o/La Nina onsets, extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA) isadopted with the simple ocean
张葳,毕业于福建师大美术系,擅长画虎,兼长人物山水。作品入选第七届,第八届全国美展,出版有《唐诗三百首》插图选。现为福建美协会员,《福建日报》美术编辑。 Zhang 葳, g
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