盛夏多喝水 解暑防结石

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盛夏,骄阳似火暑气逼人,无论从卫生或健康的角度,都必须多饮开水,它不仅可以消暑解渴,而且能够防止泌尿系统结石的形成和减少结石病人肾绞痛的发作。夏天气候炎热,大量出汗,使得尿量减少,尿液浓缩,尿液中原有的尿酸盐结晶得不到充分溶解而沉淀下来,并逐渐增大,加上缺少大量的尿液冲刷作用,久而久之,就会 In midsummer, the sun is as hot as the heat of the summer. Drinking water must be taken from the point of view of health or health. It can not only relieve summer heat and quench thirst, but also prevent urolithiasis and reduce the incidence of renal colic in patients with stones. Summer hot weather, a large number of sweating, making the urine output decreased, urine concentration, uric acid in the original urate crystals can not be fully dissolved and precipitated, and gradually increased, coupled with the lack of a large number of urine scouring effect, As time passes, it will be
台湾省高雄区农业改良场从台湾深山搜集的台湾野牡丹藤 ,经驯化后 ,成为新兴的观赏植物。台湾野牡丹藤属于野牡丹科 ,为常绿灌木 ,分布于台湾东南部。台湾野牡丹藤每年9月至