译讯通ET-910 MP3播放器

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这款名为“勇气号火星车”MP3播放器外观特色鲜明,显示屏光滑平整可以作为镜面使用,并且采用无边界设计,大胆将显示屏幕和机身融为一体,当关机以后屏幕什么显示都消失了,甚至找不到屏幕,设计十分新颖独特。配合该设计,它采用了双色16灰阶OLED镜面其特点是介于彩屏与普通蓝屏等之间,耗电量低,但价格又比彩屏便宜。 This name “courage Mars rover ” MP3 player appearance distinctive, smooth and flat display can be used as a mirror, and the use of borderless design, bold display screen and fuselage, when the screen after the shutdown what The display is gone, and even can not find the screen, the design is very new and unique. With the design, it uses a two-color 16-grayscale OLED mirror is characterized by between the screen and the ordinary blue screen, etc., low power consumption, but the price cheaper than the color screen.
0.General;1.Physical acoustics;2.Underwater sound;3.Mechanical vibration and shock; 4.Noise and noise control;5.Ultrasonics;6.Speech acoustics and speech commun
In this paper the physical acoustic method or the Kirchhoff approxima-tion is extended to treat the scattering of a nonrigid surface in order to estimatethe tar
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飞利浦bClever LC3631是一款入门型投影机。它专为家庭、中小学教室和中小型公司以及SOHO-族而打造。低成本、高画质显示,并且拥有超静音设计,有着极高的性价比。打开投影机,