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抗日战争时期,鄂南人民在中国共产党的领导下开展了艰苦卓绝的敌后斗争,为抗战胜利作出了巨大的贡献。其间,新四军五师挺进鄂南留下了极为重要的一页。 1937年7月7日,抗日战争全面爆发。7月8日,中共中央向全国发出通电,号召全国各族人民结成统一战线,开展抗日自卫战争。 1937年下半年,中共湖北工委利用汤池农村合作事业训练班,训练了一批干部,派往全省各地农村开展抗日救亡活动。胡太阳、吴子义、侯彦、冯玉亭、赵龙骧、刘光前等人被派往鄂南。1938年6月,中共湖北省委成立,省委决定大力发展鄂南抗日救亡运动,派何功伟回咸宁,建立中共咸宁中心县委;派郭益进、郭亮到大冶,建立中共大冶中心县委,鄂南抗日救亡运动蓬勃开展。 1938年10月25日,武汉沦陷。侵华日军主力十一军团司令部驻扎武昌,并宣称:“武汉地方,不但是下期作战的策源地,也是长久驻屯部队的地方。”此后,处于武汉外围的鄂南成了中日正面交战的主体战场。日军以3个师团、1个旅团另2个联队的兵力,占据交通要津,构筑据点,形成网络,加强对鄂南的控制。积极推行“以华制华”政策,拼凑伪政府,以鄂南为其近前线的后方基地。 During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the people in southern Eunas carried out a painstaking struggle between the enemy and the rear under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and made tremendous contributions to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. In the meantime, the fifth division of the New Fourth Army advanced to E’nan and left an extremely important page. July 7, 1937, the anti-Japanese war broke out in full swing. On July 8, the CPC Central Committee issued a power-on call to the whole country calling on the people of all ethnic groups in the country to form a united front and carry out the war of resistance against Japan on self-defense. In the second half of 1937, the Hubei Working Committee of the Communist Party of China used the Tangchi Rural Cooperative Training Course to train a group of cadres and sent them to carry out anti-Japanese national salvation activities in the rural areas across the province. Hu Sun, Wu Ziyi, Hou Yan, Feng Yuting, Zhao Longyi, Liu Guangqian and others were sent to E’nan. June 1938, Hubei Provincial Party Committee was established, the provincial party committee decided to vigorously develop the anti-Japanese national salvation movement in southern Hubei, He Gongwei sent back to Xianning, the establishment of the CPC Xianning Central County Committee; sent Guo Yijin, Guo Liang to Daye, the establishment of the CPC Daye County Committee, South anti-Japanese national salvation movement flourished. October 25, 1938, Wuhan fell. The headquarters of the Japanese Army’s main force of the 11th invasion of China was stationed in Wuchang and declared: “The place of Wuhan is not only the source of the next battle but also the place where troops stationed for a long time.” E’nan in the periphery of Wuhan became the main body of the Sino-Japanese confrontation battlefield. The Japanese army with 3 divisions, 1 brigade and 2 other wing forces, occupy traffic to Tianjin, build strongholds and form a network to strengthen the control over southern Eunuch. Actively promote the policy of “using China to make China as its” policy, put together a pseudo-government and take southern Hubei as its near-front-line rear base.
本文对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)对糖的利用进行了研究,文章分以下几部分论述: 1、采用8周的生长实验研究了以玉米淀粉为糖源的不同糖水平(10﹪、15﹪、20﹪、25﹪、30﹪、35﹪)对