Beam quality and photodarkening comparison of tandem-pumped and directly diode-pumped ytterbium-dope

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Compared with the conventional diode-pumped ytterbium-doped fiber amplifiers (YDFAs), tandem-pumped YDFAs are regarded as a better solution for high power scaling. In this letter, we compare and analyze the two types of pumping scheme with respect to beam quality (BQ). The numerical model adopted by us is based on steady-state rate equations with consideration of transverse mode competition. The results show that tandem pumping is not only suitable for high power scaling but also has an advantage over direct diode pumping in BQ. For instance, the power fraction of fundamental mode in tandem pumping at 1030 nm is about 4% higher than its corresponding value in direct diode pumping at 976 nm under the condition of counter-propagating pumping configuration with the same fiber parameters except cladding diameter. Mode selection by controlling dopant distributions and coiling the fibers is also simulated and discussed. Moreover, the simulation results show that the tandem-pumped YDFAs have lower photodarkening rate than the conventional YDFAs at part area of gain fiber, but there is no obvious difference between them from the mean perspective of entire gain fiber.
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