生命的光华 评话剧《李大钊》

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第三届中国戏剧节共演出15台戏,第一轮5台戏刚演完,在专家云集的座谈会上,不少人就喜形于色地说“看来戏剧并不愁观众”。这话若作为戏剧已走出低谷的结论,似乎为时尚早,但是这届戏剧节展演剧目的普遍水平较之前两届要高,这是事实;说其中有几台堪称国家级水平的精品,并不言过其实;剧场演出效果普遍看好,观众反响热烈,专家评价较高,几台精品演出时出现了令人激动的轰动效应。正是这些现象,使多年为戏剧不景气所困扰而又孜孜执著于戏剧艺术的人为之欣喜、为之振奋。这些戏的确展示了近几年戏剧的新进展、新成就、新收获。特别使人欣慰的是这些戏中的绝大部分都是经过了社会和观众检验的,有的演过近百场,有的演过几百场。这些成就是怎样取得的?有些什么经验值得总结、可资借鉴?这都是应该认真研讨的。本刊将陆续发表这方面的文章。这里先发表一些可读的短评,做为这一研讨的开始。 The third China Theater Festival performed 15 plays. The first round of 5 plays was just finished. At the forum where experts gathered, many people were very happy to say that “it seems that the theater does not have to worry about the audience.” It seems too early to say these words as the conclusion that drama has bottomed out. However, it is a fact that this drama festival has a higher level of drama than the previous two. It is a fact that there are only a few of the finest items at the national level, The performance of the theatrical performances is generally optimistic, the audience responded enthusiastically, and the experts rated it higher. There were exciting sensational effects in the performance of several fine productions. It is these phenomena that inspire and inspire those who have been bothered by dramatic drama for many years and attached to drama art. These plays do show the new progress, new accomplishments and new gains of drama in recent years. It is particularly gratifying that the vast majority of these plays have been tested by the society and the audience. Some have performed in nearly a hundred places and some have performed in a few hundred places. How have these achievements been made? What experiences should be summed up and we can learn from them? All these should be carefully studied. The publication will be published in this area. Here to publish some readable commentary, as the beginning of this discussion.
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任承统研究员,1898年1月出生于山西省忻县农村,1923年毕业于南京大学森林系,1924年留校任教,1930年任绥远萨拉齐新农试验场主任,1938年在国民党中央农业实验所 Ren Chengti