First Aid

来源 :英语自学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:march2th
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First aid means what it says:the aid,or help,that can be given to an injuredperson fust,that is,before any other help arrives.Nowadays there is usually a tele-phone not far away and the first thing we should do if a serious accident happens is to First aid means what it says:the aid,or help,that can be given to an injuredperson fust,that is,before any other help arrives.Nowadays there is usually a tele-phone not far away and the first thing we should do if a serious accident happens is to
首先来看第一部分的题目:重写句子(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)。Revisethe 1.I felt like taking a walk after watching the sunset.(periodic sentence) 按要求考
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A fable is a little story that is not true. It teaches us something. We say that ithas a moral. A man called Aesop wrote many fables. This is one of them. One
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meeting常用词,指为了一个目的的集会或会议。例如:I was late for the metting so they started without me. 我开会迟到了,因此他们就先开始了。We are going to have a me
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