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目的 探讨中药川芎嗪对烫伤豚鼠心房肌细胞的保护作用。方法 复制 30 %TSAⅢ°烫伤豚鼠模型 ,并随机分成复苏组和治疗组 ,每组均在烫伤后 2、4、8、12、2 4、4 8h 6个时相点分别抽腹腔静脉血 2~ 3ml,用放免法测血浆ANP、ET ,计算ANP与ET的比值 ;同时在伤后 4、12、2 4、4 8h 4个时相点切取心房肌标本 ,用电镜观察心房肌超微结构改变 ;另设正常对照组。结果 ①血浆ANP :两组在伤后 2h内均显著升高 (P <0 0 1) ,4h后开始下降 ,8~ 2 4h下降显著 (P <0 0 5) ,4 8h后又开始回升 ;但治疗组从4h后含量明显高于复苏组。②血浆ET :两组各时点均显著升高 (P <0 0 1) ,但在 4h后 ,治疗组升高明显低于复苏组。③ANP/ET :从伤后 4h起 ,两组ANP与ET的比值均明显低于正常 (ANP/ET =1 2 5)组 ,但治疗组下降幅度较小。④心肌电镜观察 :两组在伤后 4h出现明显病理改变 ,12h最严重 ,4 8h后减轻 ,但在治疗组 ,损害明显轻于复苏组。结论 烫伤后动物血浆ANP及ANP/ET比值下降 ,可能是心肌损伤的机制之一 ;而治疗组下降幅度小 ,提示中药川芎嗪减轻严重烫伤后心房肌的损害 ,对烫伤动物豚鼠心肌有保护作用。 Objective To investigate the protective effect of ligustrazine on atrial myocytes of burned guinea pigs. Methods 30 % TSA III° scald guinea pig models were duplicated and randomly divided into resuscitation group and treatment group. Each group was given intraperitoneal vena cava blood at 2 ,4,8,12,24,48 hours after scald. 3ml, plasma ANP, ET were measured by radioimmunoassay to calculate the ratio of ANP and ET; at the same time, atrial muscle specimens were harvested at 4, 12, 24, and 48 hours after injury, and the ultrastructural changes of atrial muscle were observed by electron microscope. ; set up a normal control group. Results 1 Plasma ANP: Both groups were significantly elevated within 2 hours after injury (P < 0.01), began to decline after 4 hours, decreased significantly from 8 to 24 hours (P <0 05), and recovered after 48 hours; However, the content of the treatment group was significantly higher than the recovery group after 4 hours. 2 Plasma ET: Both groups increased significantly at each time point (P < 0 01), but after 4 hours, the increase in the treatment group was significantly lower than that of the resuscitation group. 3ANP/ET: From 4h post-injury, the ratios of ANP and ET in the two groups were significantly lower than those in the normal (ANP/ET=125) group, but the treatment group had a smaller decrease. 4 Myocardial examination: There were obvious pathological changes in the two groups at 4h after injury, which was most severe at 12h and decreased after 48h. However, in the treatment group, the damage was significantly lighter than that of the resuscitation group. Conclusion The decrease of plasma ANP and ANP/ET ratio in burned animals may be one of the mechanisms of myocardial injury. However, the treatment group has a small decrease, suggesting that ligustrazine can reduce atrial muscle damage after severe scald and protect the myocardium of scalded animal guinea pigs. .
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多篇文章提到了如下的两个最值问题 ,现用静力平衡的方式求解 ,以作补充 .问题 1  (文 [1 ]、[2 ]、 [3])设平面上的P、Q是定直线 l同侧的两定点 ,PM⊥ l于点M,QN⊥ l于点 N
问题 已知椭圆x2/m2+y2/n2=1(m》0,n》0)过点P(3√3,1),求m+n的最小值,并求出m+n取最小值时的椭圆方程.
目的 探讨固定矫治技术中配合使用上颌前牙平面导板(Maxillary plane bite plane, MPP)的临床疗效.方法 将临床深覆需打开咬病例随机分为两组,MPP组在固定矫治技术配合使用上