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这里所说的1960是指出生于20世纪60年代的一群人。他们60年代出生,80年代上大学,90年代能够形成一种力量而集体发光,且群星闪耀,他们经历中国变化最快的几十年,而这几十年又恰恰和他们的童年、少年、青年、成年形成了一种对应关系。他们鲜有上一代人的苦难与悲情,亦没有知青经历,他们也不像70后活得轻松潇洒,但理想、责任、使命、道义还是在他们身上打下了深深烙印。虽然他们是过渡年代的过渡体,但一个不容置疑的事实是,他们以自我对人性和人的生存境遇的洞察性与激情性表达,及自我真诚而又真情的视觉描述,记录下我们这个时代的心路历程。虽然神话叙事的魔力日渐消磨于凡庸的日常生活中,理想主义的激情与光环又被消费社会击得粉碎,但民族复兴的责任还是令他们责无旁贷。因为他们是这个时代的麦田守望者,更成为中国的脊梁。他们用自我的理想激情和浪漫怀想,不仅激励着自己,同时也在感染着这个时代。因为1960已然构成了一个知识谱系和话语系统,并自觉承载了这个时代的文化使命。因为1960年代们是属于整个时代和社会的。谨以“1960”展向1960们致敬。——冀少峰《向“1960”们致敬》2015年3月12日于东湖三官殿 1960 refers to a group of people born in the 1960s. They were born in the 1960s and went to college in the 1980s. In the 1990s, they were able to form a force that glowed collectively and shone with stars. They experienced the fastest-changing decades in China, and in the past few decades coincided with their childhood, juvenile, Youth, adult form a correspondence. They rarely have the hardship and tragedy of the previous generation. They also do not have the experience of educated youth. They also do not feel relaxed and comfortable after the age of 70, but their ideals, responsibilities, mission and morality have deeply imprinted them. Although they are the transitional bodies of the transitional period, it is an indisputable fact that they record our times with their insightful and passionate expression of their human and human existence and their self-honest and truthful visual depiction The mentality of the journey. Although the magic power of mythological narration gradually dwells in everyday life, the passion and aura of idealism are smashed by the consumer society, but the responsibility of national rejuvenation still makes them absolutely responsible. Because they are the catcher of the field in this era, they have even become the backbone of China. They use their own ideal passion and romantic nostalgia, not only inspire themselves, but also infected with this era. Because 1960 has constituted a knowledge pedigree and discourse system, and consciously carried the cultural mission of this era. Because the 1960s belonged to the entire era and society. I would like to pay tribute to the 1960s. - Ji Shaofeng “to ” 1960 “salute” March 12, 2015 at the East Lake San Guan Temple
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