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2005年3月8日卫生部通报了2004年非法行医专项整治工作情况。2004年4月份起,卫生部在全国范围内组织开展了打击非法行医、整顿和规范医疗服务市场的专项整治工作。通过近一年的工作,各地针对医疗秩序中存在的主要问题,依法开展了以打击非法行医和医疗执业中违法违规案件为重点的整顿规范医疗服务市场活动,切实维护人民群众健康权益。在开展打击非法行医专项整治的同时,各地积极探索建立长效监管机制。一是规范医疗机构执业行为,加强医疗机构的普法教育。二是逐步完善集中整治与日常监督相结合的监督机制。三是积极与公安、工商、药监、纪检监察、新闻宣传等部门密切配合,形成打击非法行医、整顿医疗服务市场的合力。据不完全统计,2004年各地共出动监督人员49万余人次,查处违法违规案件7.7万余件,取缔无证行医5.4万余户,查处违规医疗机构使用非卫生技术人员近1.9万户,吊销医疗机构执业许可证3477户,没收违法所得2525.86万元,罚款4817.63万元。通过专项整治工作的开展,各省医疗市场秩序有了不同程度的好转,但存在的问题还很多。主要有:虚假医疗广告泛滥;没有行医资格的人员仍在城乡结合部、社区、农村非法行医;医疗机构违规出租、承包科室现象仍然存在;医疗机构聘用非卫生技术人员行医的行为仍未杜绝,综合执法有待进一步加强。国务院已经决定将非法行医专项整治工作列入2005年全国整顿和规范市场经济秩序的工作重点之一。由卫生部会同多个部门在全国范围内联合开展进一步严厉打击非法行医活动,坚决维护人民群众健康权益。 On March 8, 2005, the Ministry of Health notified the work of illegal rehabilitative treatment in 2004. Since April 2004, the Ministry of Health has organized nationwide special campaigns to crack down on illegal medical practice, rectify and standardize the medical service market. Through nearly a year’s work, various localities have focused on the major problems existing in the medical order, and have carried out rectification and standardization of medical service market activities focused on cracking down on illegal and unlawful practices in medical practice and medical practice in order to effectively protect the health rights and interests of the people. While carrying out special campaigns to crack down on illegal medical practices, local governments actively explored and established a long-term supervision mechanism. The first is to standardize the practice of medical institutions and strengthen the popular education of medical institutions. The second is to gradually improve the supervision mechanism that combines centralized remediation and daily supervision. The third is to cooperate closely with the public security, industry and commerce, drug administration, disciplinary inspection and supervision, and news and publicity departments to form a concerted effort to crack down on illegal medical practice and rectify the medical service market. According to incomplete statistics, in 2004, a total of over 490,000 supervisory personnel were dispatched across the country, more than 77,000 illegal and irregular cases were investigated, and more than 54,000 unlicensed practitioners were banned, and nearly 19,000 non-medical technicians were investigated and dealt with by non-compliant medical institutions and revoked. 3477 medical licenses for practice were confiscated, 25,258,600 yuan was illegally obtained, and the penalty was 48,117,300 yuan. Through the special rectification work, the provincial medical market order has improved to varying degrees, but there are still many problems. The main ones are: false medical advertisements are flooding; those without medical qualifications still illegally practice medicine in urban-rural junctions, communities, and rural areas; the phenomenon of irregularly renting and contracting medical sections of medical institutions still exists; the practice of hiring non-healthy technical personnel in medical institutions has not yet been implemented. Comprehensive law enforcement needs to be further strengthened. The State Council has decided to include the special rectification of illegal medical practices as one of the priorities for the nationwide rectification and regulation of the market economic order in 2005. The Ministry of Health, together with various departments, has jointly conducted nationwide crackdowns to crack down on illegal medical activities and firmly safeguard the health rights and interests of the people.
Based on the previous design model, degrees of freedom analysis and transient analysis are carried out. A PID control model is proposed. The results show that I
组成:金银花30g~60g,蒲公英30g~60g,连翘30g~45g,不留行15g~20g,鹿角霜15g~20g,生甘草6g~10g。用法:水煎2次分服。每日1剂。 Composition: honeysuckle 30g ~ 60g, dandelion 30g