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韦振远教了40年书,惟一的爱好就是读书。退休后,想用这种爱好赚钱。由于资金少起步晚,又没有门市房,几经寻找,在长春人防商场的过道处,选择一块半米宽三米长的小地方,摆起了书摊。别看这地方小,一年四季,风吹不着,雨淋不着,老人家很满意。为了增加销售额,他先是在商品品种上下功夫,以为百货可以应百客,进了大量的书,运作一年,书积压了不少,看来与大书店拼品种,永远也赶不上。于是他转向热门话题的书。什么热门上什么货,如言情热、武打热、克隆热、纳米热、小燕子热,这种跟风式的运作模式,折腾得韦师傅精疲力尽,一算账也没有赚多少钱。跟风不行,又研究代理,谁出书,就联系作者当代理,代理虽然不出本钱,但代理货走得太慢,除去各项费用根本不赚钱。在屡试碰壁的情况下,他再一次挖掘自己特长,自己有什么特长呢,躺在 Wei Zhenyuan taught 40 years of books, the only hobby is to study. After retirement, want to make money with this hobby. Due to lack of funds started late, there is no store room, after several looking for, in the aisle of Changchun Air Defense Department, choose a half a meter wide and three meters long small place, put up a bookstall. Do not look at this place is small, all year round, the wind is blowing, the rain, the elderly are very satisfied. In order to increase sales, he first work hard on varieties of goods, that department stores should be 100 passengers, into a large number of books, operating a year, a lot of books backlog, it seems that with large bookstore varieties, will never catch up. So he turned to a hot topic book. What hot on what goods, such as hot romance, hot martial arts, cloning heat, nano heat, swallow fever, this follow the trend of mode of operation, tossing Wei teacher exhausted, a do not make a lot of money. Follow the trend, but also research agency, who published the book, contact the author when the agent, although the agent does not cost money, but the agent goods go too slow, remove the costs simply do not make money. In the case of repeated attempts to hit the wall, he once again tap their expertise, what are their own strengths, lying
This paper examines major active faults and the present-day tectonic stress field in the East Tibetan Plateau by integrating available data from published liter
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