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滴虫性阴道炎在妇科疾病中占有一定比例,以往我院一直用多味中药煎煮熏洗,然后用甲硝唑片或粉局部上药治疗。由于此法造成腔道中药物浓度低,使用极不方便,因此疗效不够满意。根据甲硝唑是一理想的抗滴虫药,而且用于局部粘膜接近完全吸收及其对多种类型的厌氧菌感染有效的理论,我们筛选、研制出了一种中西药结合的阴道栓剂。该药具有局部浓度高、剂量准确、使用方便、疗效确切、不污染衣物、临床效果满意等优点。现将制备过程简述如下: 制备处方甲硝唑4.0g,中药浓缩液30.0ml,甘油30.0g,甘油明胶基质50.0g(制20枚量)。中药浓缩液的制备,称取蛇床子、地肤子、苦参、黄柏各60g,加水适量,浸泡15~20min后,用文火加热煮沸30min,过滤,滤渣加适 Trichomonas vaginitis in gynecological diseases occupy a certain proportion, in the past our hospital has been using more herbs fumigation fumigation, and then with metronidazole tablets or powder local medicine treatment. As a result of this method of low concentration of drug in the cavity, the use of very inconvenient, so the effect is not satisfactory. According to metronidazole is an ideal anti-trichomonad, and for the partial mucosa near complete absorption and its effective for many types of anaerobic infections theory, we screened, developed a combination of Chinese and Western medicine vaginal suppository . The medicine has the advantages of high local concentration, accurate dosage, convenient use, exact curative effect, no pollution of clothes and satisfactory clinical effect. Now the preparation process is briefly described as follows: Preparation of prescription metronidazole 4.0g, 30.0ml concentrated Chinese medicine, glycerol 30.0g, glycerol gelatin matrix 50.0g (20 volumes). Preparation of Chinese medicine concentrate, weighed Cnidium, Kadsura, Sophora, Cork 60g, add water, soak 15 ~ 20min, boiled for 30min with slow heat, filtered, the residue plus appropriate
第一次查房(11月4日) 主任医师:请实习医师报告病历摘要。实习医师:患者,男,28岁,住院号:102270。因阵发性腹部绞痛伴恶心、呕吐3天于1985年11月4日入院。于11月1日饮啤酒50
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芹菜花期与棉铃虫一代成虫发生期吻合,棉铃虫一代成虫偏嗜芹菜等伞形花科植物,因而利用芹菜花可有效诱杀棉铃虫,从而降低棉田落卵量、推迟二代棉铃虫化防日期、减少用药次数 Ce
试验表明,30%克虫神乳油、2.5%溴氰菊酯、Bt水剂等制剂防治甘薯天蛾持效期长、效果好,是理想的选用药剂。 Tests showed that 30% of insect God cream, 2.5% deltamethrin, Bt agent a