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一、新旧规范对比在住宅施工中,楼梯在随楼层施工时一般将施工缝留在向上三个踏步处。笔者查阅了相关的规范,在这里与大家探讨这种做法。旧版规范《混凝土结构工程施工及质量验收规范》(GB50204—1992) First, compare the old and new norms In the residential construction, the stairs in the construction of the floor with the general construction joints left in the three steps up. I reviewed the relevant norms, and we discuss with you here. Legacy norms “construction of concrete structures and quality acceptance norms” (GB50204-1992)
Layered ,α-cobalt hydroxides Co(OH) 1.65Cl0.35.0.5H2O (1), Co(OH) 1.75(NO3) (2) with unique macro- and microscale morphologies have been synthesised
0 引言rn本文介绍了什么是眼图,眼图是如何构建的,以及生成眼图的常用触发方式.然后描述了使用不同的方式切割眼图,可以获得更多深入的信息.同时还讨论了一些发射机、传输链
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Inorganic layered materials are a class of advanced functional materials that have attracted considerable attention by virtue of their practical applications i
对2 kt/d硫铁矿制酸与硫磺制酸装置的原料经济性、原料品质、工艺差别、设备及装置成本进行了详细比较.主要探讨在作出一项新的投资决策时经济性与工艺之间的基本权衡.一般倾
Microtubes/rods of the layered metal hydroxide salt compound Cd2(OH)3(DS).nH2O, where DS stands for dodecyl sulfate sandwiched between two adjacent inorganic sh
(上接本刊第6期)6.3光盘(Optical Discs)光盘又称数字光盘(Digital Optical Discs),是一种先进的信息记录介质,目前已广泛用于广播、电视、个人电脑、数据处理、文字/图像贮