
来源 :国外医学.内分泌学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylmny
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作者认为除少数有严重并发症的幼年型糖尿病外,并无实际理由劝阻糖尿病妇女妊娠。如能遵循表中所列举妊娠处理的新原则,则产妇死亡率、围产期死亡率及国产期患病率均可不增高。有两点要特别注意:第一、严格控制碳水化合物代谢,第二、在产前和产科督护中充分应用现代诊断方法。 糖尿病妊娠期间,代谢控制的主要目的在于防止血糖大幅度的波动。哪怕是相对短暂的高血糖症也应防止。因为它可能对胎儿β细胞产生过强的刺激,并可能导致胎儿严重畸形、肺发育不全及机体 The authors believe there is no real reason to discourage pregnancy in diabetic women, except for a few juvenile-type diabetes with serious complications. Subject to the new principles of pregnancy treatment listed in the table, the maternal mortality rate, perinatal mortality rate and prevalence rate may not increase. There are two points to pay special attention: first, strict control of carbohydrate metabolism, and second, full use of modern diagnostic methods in prenatal and obstetric care. During pregnancy in diabetes, the main purpose of metabolic control is to prevent significant fluctuations in blood glucose. Even relatively brief hyperglycaemia should be prevented. Because it may produce too strong stimulation of fetal beta cells, and may lead to severe fetal malformation, hypoplasia and the body
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