Therapy and prognostic features of primary clear cell carcinoma of the liver

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shouquanwenjian
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AIM:To clarify the therapeutic strategies and prognosis factors of primary clear cell carcinoma of the liver(PCCCL) . METHODS:The clinical pathological data of 64 patients with PCCCL treated with hepatectomy in our hospital from January 2000 to January 2006 were analyzed retrospectively.The patients were divided into two groups to make treatment analysis:curative resection only(n=40) ;and curative resection and postoperative chemotherapy with calcium folinate and tegafur(n= 24) .Meanwhile,the PCCCL patients were subdivided into two subgroups on the basis of the proportion of clear cells in the tumor for pathological analysis.There were 36 cases in subgroup A for which the proportion of clear cells was more than 70%,and 28 cases in subgroup B for which the proportion was less or equal to 70%,comparing analysis of median survival time of the counterpart groups.Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to examine factors that affect-ed clinical prognosis,recurrence and metastasis. RESULTS:Median survival period of the curative surgery group was 38 mo,while the counterpart was 41 mo.Median survival period for group A was 41 mo,while group B was 19 mo.The Kaplan-Meier method showed that capsule formation,preoperative liver function,hepatitis C virus infection,large vascular invasion and multiple tumor occurrences were related to disease-free survival.Cox regression analysis showed that the clear cell ratio,capsule formation,preoperative liver function and large vascular invasion were independent risk factors for overall survival. CONCLUSION:Postoperative chemotherapy has no obvious effect on survival of patients with PCCCL. Clear cell ratio,capsule formation,preoperative liver function,and vascular invasion were independent risk factors for prognosis. AIM: To clarify the therapeutic strategies and prognosis factors of primary clear cell carcinoma of the liver (PCCCL). METHODS: The clinical pathological data of 64 patients with PCCCL treated with hepatectomy in our hospital from January 2000 to January 2006 were analyzed retrospectively. patients were divided into two groups to make treatment analysis: curative resection only (n = 40); and curative resection and postoperative chemotherapy with calcium folinate and tegafur (n = 24). Meanwhile, the PCCCL patients were subdivided into two subgroups on the basis of the proportion of clear cells in the tumor for pathological analysis. There were 36 cases in subgroup A for which the proportion of clear cells was more than 70%, and 28 cases in subgroup B for which the proportion was less or equal to 70% , comparing analysis of median survival time of the counterpart groups. Univariate and multivariate analyzes were performed to examine factors that affect-ed clinical prognosis, recurrence and metastasi s. RESULTS: Median survival period of the curative surgery group was 38 mo, while the counterpart was 41 mo. Median survival period for group A was 41 mo, while group B was 19 mo. The Kaplan-Meier method showed that capsule formation, preoperative liver function, hepatitis C virus infection, large vascular invasion and multiple tumor occurrences were related to disease-free survival. Cox regression analysis showed that the clear cell ratio, capsule formation, preoperative liver function and large vascular invasion were independent risk factors for overall Conclusion. Postoperative chemotherapy has no obvious effect on survival of patients with PCCCL. Clear cell ratio, capsule formation, preoperative liver function, and vascular invasion were independent risk factors for prognosis.
如果我们在2013年之前问科学家,太阳系最大的火山是哪一座?他们一定会毫不犹豫地告诉我们,火星上的奥林匹斯山是太阳系第一火山。这座火山高2万多米,直径达到了625千米,一直雄踞太阳系第一火山的宝座。实际上,它还是目前太阳系第一高峰,珠穆朗玛峰和它相比矮了一半还多。  然而现在,一个太平洋底的新发现让科学家要修改前面的答案了。  太平洋底潜伏着火山巨兽  美国休斯敦大学的地球物理学家来到了日本以东1
恒星的孩子是行星,行星的孩子是卫星,那么卫星还有没有孩子?这是个有意思的问题,但查遍太阳系内的所有卫星,没发现一颗卫星还有子卫星围绕它转的。那么是不是卫星不能再有孩子了呢?  不是吧,卫星有了孩子也没什么呀?要知道,美国宇航局就有围绕月亮旋转的探测器,这些探测器难道不是月亮的子卫星吗?只不过它们不是天然形成的,而是人造的。但这说明,卫星有孩子也是很正常的事,只要老天给它个孩子,卫星也是愿意接收的吧
真实版的《魔戒》霍比特人  十几年前,考古学家在印度尼西亚的弗洛里斯岛的一个山洞里,发掘出一堆古人类的化石。从化石复原后看,这个人种的人长得矮小(成人身高不到1米),脑袋也比我们要小得多。他们生活到距今大约12000年前。  这就是说,他们像欧洲的尼安德特人一样,曾经与我们的祖先现代智人比邻而居了相当长的时间,而且比尼安德特人灭绝得还要晚(尼安德特人大约是在距今24000年前灭绝的)。这个新人种被
乌贼与细菌的愉快合作  夏威夷短尾乌贼是一种只有成年人半个大拇指那么大的小家伙。别看它块头小,但谋生的本领却不小。在所有头足类动物中,它是非常罕见的会发光的一种。  要说这小家伙的谋生本领中最令人赞叹的,是它身上携带的发光器。它的发光器就像是它身上的一对原始眼,也像是一对“手电筒”。当夜晚来临,短尾乌贼通常会在水面捕食,而且喜欢从上往下袭击猎物。在这种情况下,如果遇到月朗星稀的夜晚,它可能就会遇到
大脑在产生  新的神经细胞?  神经科学家曾经长期认为,当人长成人后,大脑就不再产生新的神经细胞,脑细胞死一批就没有一批,不会再添加,也不会被替代了。然而1998年的一个实验,对这个观念提出了挑战。  当时瑞典科学家把一些细胞标记物注射到从死者身上获得的脑组织里,这些标记物本来是用作跟踪肿瘤细胞分裂过程的。通过这些标记物在脑组织里的变化,科学家发现,这些死者的大脑中竟然不断产生着新的神经细胞!那些
大雨将至,  空气的味道会变化  如果你是一个心细的人,就会感觉到,在电闪雷鸣但并未下雨之前,空气的味道会有些变化——好像有一股鱼腥味!  感觉对了!因为在这种天气里,闪电会劈开大气中的氧分子和氮分子,它们会重新组合,生成氧化一氮。这种物质与大气中的其他物质互相作用,会形成臭氧,而臭氧就有鱼腥味。当大雨将至,风便会从云层挟带着臭氧冲向大地,于是人们就闻到了雷雨前空气的味道。  当然,雷雨前空气的味