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温州的制鞋行业以其悠久的历史闻名于天下, 目前拥有大小生产鞋类工厂数千家,年产量上亿双,产品销往国内及世界各地,成为中国最大的制鞋中心,被誉为中国的“鞋都”。温州鞋的特点是: 一、品种齐全。各式鞋类可满足男女老少春夏秋冬各个季节的需要。按照不同生产工艺,温州鞋类分为皮鞋、硫化鞋、冷粘鞋、注塑鞋、工艺鞋、麻底鞋、EVA拖鞋等等。 The shoemaking industry in Wenzhou is famous for its long history. Currently, it has thousands of shoe factories of large and small sizes and annual output of 100 million pairs. The products are sold in China and around the world and become the largest shoe-making center in China. China’s “shoes are.” Wenzhou shoes are characterized by: First, the full range. All kinds of footwear can meet the needs of men, women and children in all seasons of spring, summer and autumn. According to different production processes, Wenzhou footwear is divided into leather shoes, vulcanized shoes, cold stick shoes, injection shoes, craft shoes, linen shoes, EVA slippers and so on.
峭了一窗外的鸟语已然雀跃无 比一廿比_r’, 它们拍打翅磅的声音 扑楞楞楞 叩响你内心深处的那扇 门 似要飞进你的心里去 我听见窗下的蔷薇模糊 的吃语 娇滴滴的抱怨 夹杂着
1.In a house,there are two bright windows.They open in the morning,but at night they close.Tell me what they are.2.It has cities,but no houses there;it has fore
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那天,我们先是去了格林尼治天文台。回来的路上,拐到一家叫“金筷子”的中餐馆吃午饭。一路上我们都是在中餐馆用饭,这是导游安排的结果。“金筷子”的老板是一个 On that d
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日本的经营之神松下幸之助在谈及其经营智慧时曾经说过这样一句话,“首先要细心倾听他人(顾客——作者注)的意见。” 售货服务过程中,营业员与顾客之间主要通过语言来进行有