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目的:研究“你接生我接种”的预防接种服务模式对新生儿预防接种安全、质量、效果的影响,为创新新生儿预防接种服务模式提供依据.方法:将产科接种点与预防接种门诊合二为一,接种门诊护士深入产科实施新生儿预防接种,并对新生儿预防接种质量和安全进行跟踪.形成了以硬件设施规范化、综合素质培养及考核经常化、质量控制严格化、警示教育制度化、安全措施具体化、服务流程科学化、健康宣教系统化、人性化服务时时化、跟踪随访常态化的新型预防接种系统化服务模式.结果:创新服务模式后,新生儿乙肝疫苗和卡介苗24 h及时接种率分别为99.98%和99.93%,卡证执有率100.00%,卡介苗接种后卡痕有效率和阳转率分别是98.20和98.61%,且无疫苗接种后不良反应和并发症发生,无疫苗接种反应处理不当事件;无因新生儿接种引起的纠纷,差错和事故发生,卡介苗使用率提高了19.21%,产妇及其家属在预防接种方面的满意度达99.81%,预防接种护士由原来的6人减到5人.结论:将产科接种点与预防接种门诊合二为一的预防接种的服务模式保证了新生儿预防接种安全和质量,是“优化服务流程”最好举措,是人性化服务的最好体现,节约了人力物力资源,创造了社会和经济效益.该服务模式将有广泛的应用前景.“,”Objective:To research the effect of “ You deliver,I vaccinate” service mode on safety,quality,ans effectiveness of prophylactic immunization among neonates,and provide a basis for creating new neonatal prophylactic immunization service mode.Methods:Obstetrical inoculation points and outpatient department of prophylactic immunization were combined,the nursers in outpatient department of prophylactic immunization conducted neonatal prophylactic immunization in obstetrical department,and the quality and safety of neonatal prophylactic immunization were followed up.A new systematic service mode of neonatal prophylactic immunization was formed,whose characteristics included standardization of hardware facility,routinization of culture and evaluation of comprehensive quality,severization of quality control,institutionalization of warning education,materialization of safety precautions,scientism of service process,systematization of health propaganda and education,consistency of humanistic service,and normalization of follow-up.Results:After implementation of the new service mode,the 24-hour timely inoculation rates of hepatitis B vaccine and BCG among neonates were 99.98% and 99.93%,respectively,the registration rate of cards was 100.00%,the effective rate and positive conversion rate of BCG were 98.20% and 98.61%,respectively,no adverse reactions and complications occurred after inoculation,no mishandling events of vaccination reaction occurred;no neonatal inoculation-induced disputes,mistakes,and accidents occurred,the utilization rate of BCG was improved by 19.21%,the satisfaction rate of prophylactic immunization among parturient women and their family members was 99.81%,the number of nursers occupied in prophylactic immunization decreased from six to five.Conclusion:The service mode of combined obstetrical inoculation points and outpatient department of prophylactic immunization ensure the safety and quality of neonatal prophylactic immunization,which is the best measure in “ optimized service process”,and it is the best reflection of humanistic service,the mode save human and material resources and obtain social and economic benefits,and it has a wide range of application prospect.
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