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1940年7月初,我刚参加庆祝保卫郭村战斗胜利大会回来,脑海里仍在回响着第一次听到陈老总讲话的声音,激动的心情久久不能平静。不几天,我们火线起义的八支队改编为新四军苏北指挥部独立支队,我被调到特务连警卫班,跟随政治处主任周文在同志任警卫员。特务连的邱指导员调来不久,江西人,早年在他的家乡就参加了红军,是经历过三年游击战争的老战士,他组织我们青年突击队活动时,常向我们讲红军的故事,尤其陈老总的故事,我们最爱听。其中记忆最深的,是“智夺渡口绝路逢生”的故事。那是昏天黑地的1935年,中央苏区的第五次反“围剿”失败了,红军主力已踏上了长征的征途。陈毅是留在江西云山城的红军领导人,此时,云山城已被国民党反动军队占领了,城里一片白色恐怖,大街小巷贴满了印有陈毅相片的通缉令。 In early July 1940, I just attended the celebration to defend Guo Cun battle victory back in my mind is still echoing the first time I heard the voice of President Chen speech, excitement for a long time can not be calm. In a few days, the eight detachments of our fire brigade were reorganized into the independent detachment of the North Fourth Army Command of the New Fourth Army. I was transferred to the spy contingent with a security guard, who followed the position of Comrade Zhou Wenzheng, political director, as a guard. Soon after the Qiu instructor transferred with the spy, Jiangxi natives participated in the Red Army in his hometown in his early years and was an old soldier who had experienced guerrilla war in the past three years. When he organized our youth commando activities, he always told us the story of the Red Army. In particular, the story of Mr. Chen, we love to listen. One of the deepest memory is “Chi snatched Ferocious ” story. It was fainting. In 1935, the fifth “encirclement and suppression” campaign by the Central Soviet Area failed. The main force of the Red Army has embarked on the journey of the Long March. Chen Yi was the Red Army leader who stayed in Yunshan City, Jiangxi Province. At this time, Yunshan City was occupied by the reactionary Kuomintang troops and the town was a white terror. The streets were covered with arrest warrants printed with Chen Yi’s photos.
诗人杜甫说:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”文学家高尔基说:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”可是,直到上四年级时我还没有养成良好的阅读习惯,所以,作文水平很差。为此,爸爸给我订购了《意林·少年版》杂志。听爸爸说,《意林·少年版》编撰得可好了,非常适合我阅读,还能对我的写作有所帮助,我很期待。  有一天放学回家,我看见书桌上放着一摞厚厚的杂志——《意林·少年版》,我高兴地跳了起来。只见封面上写着:“中国发行量
例句:Mosonchynal stem cells(MSCs)are mu1tiPotent stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types,including osteoblasts Example: Mosonchynal stem
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