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1936年,《纽约时报》和“全国书籍出版者协会”共同举办了第一届全美书展。会上有一项活动是作家演讲,林语堂也在被邀之列。因为《生活的艺术》畅销,美国人对隐在书后面的林语堂有很多浪漫的想像,以为他是一个留着白胡子,长着硕大无比脑袋的神秘东方哲人。林语堂起初拒绝了,生怕会影响读者心目中的形象,同时又觉得好玩,不知道这些美国读者看到真人会作何反应。权衡再三,他还是答应了。他穿了国内最普通的蓝锻袍子,走起路来衣袂飘动。还真有那么一股仙风道骨的味道。一上台,先不说话,四下打量,气势就出来了。台下哗啦啦一片掌声,东方式的风度让西装革履的美国人甚为倾倒。 In 1936, the New York Times and the National Association of Book Publishers co-hosted the first nationwide book fair. One of the activities was a lecture by a writer, and Lin Yutang was also invited. Because “The Art of Life” is popular, Americans have a lot of romantic imagination about Lin Yutang, who is behind the book, thinking that he is a mysterious oriental philosopher with a white beard and a huge head. Lin Yutang initially rejected, for fear of affecting the reader’s image in the eyes, but also feel fun, do not know how these American readers see real people react. Trade-offs, he agreed. He wore the most common blue forging robe in the country, walked the way to the clothing fluttering. Really there is a smell of sage bones. A came to power, do not speak, look around, the momentum came out. Crashed under the audience a round of applause, the East-style demeanor Americans dumping is very dumping.
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