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《法纪广场》是《人民前线》报的一个老专版、名专版,它以“普及法纪知识、提供法律服务、宣传普法之星、推动依法治军”为宗旨,抓问题准、可读性强、服务功能好,版面风格活泼、灵动。专版尤以稿件的抓问题意识在军区首长和广大官兵中获得较高评价,在报社几次组织的读者调查中都名列前茅。近年来,这个专版所发的版面头条基本上都被报社评为了优质稿;推出的主要专栏也屡屡在全国、全军和江苏省各种新闻评选中获奖。仅2004年,专版的《关注您的权益》专栏就获得了第17届全国法制好新闻评选二等奖(是此次评选中军区军兵种报纸获得的唯一奖项)、第12届江苏法制好新闻评选优秀专栏奖、好编辑奖;稿件《几角钱的工资零头也不能少发》获得了同届江苏法制好新闻评选三等奖;刊登的《严格管理拒绝打骂体罚》一稿先后受到了军区多位领导的表扬。 The “Law Plaza” is an old special edition of the People’s Frontline newspaper. It aims at “popularizing law and discipline knowledge, providing legal services, promoting the populace’s star and promoting the rule of law according to law” Readability, service features, layout style lively, Smart. In the special edition, the sense of grasping the issue, especially in the manuscripts, received a high opinion among the chiefs of the military regions and among the officers and men. Both of them were among the best in the readers’ surveys of several organizations in the newspaper. In recent years, the headlines issued by this special edition have basically been rated as high-quality draft by the newspaper; the main columns introduced have also won prizes in various news awards of the whole country, the army and Jiangsu Province. In 2004 alone, the special column “Focusing on Your Rights and Interests” won the second prize of the 17th National Legal Good News Award (the only award won by the military and military newspapers in the military region), and the 12th Jiangsu Legal System News selection excellent column award, good editorial award; manuscript “a few cents wages splinters can not be less” won the same session of the Jiangsu legal system good news third prize; published “strict management refused to beat corporal punishment,” a draft has been Military leaders praised many.