Unusual complications of spinal surgery:A report of lifethreatening vascular injury

来源 :世界麻醉学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfyfl
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Kyphoplasty and lumbar spine fusion are rarely associated with significant vascular damage and internal bleeding.However,anaesthesiologists must maintain vigilance in order to detect rare,but potentially lifethreatening haemorrhagic complications of these
随着新一轮种植结构调整的实施,玉米和大豆合理轮作的面积将有所增加,这种栽培模式不仅能够培肥地力,促进种植结构调整,而且能提高农业生产的综合效益。但应注意在大豆生产时避免上茬玉米除草剂的危害,影响下茬大豆生长。  1 除草剂对大豆药害症状表现  叶片皱缩而扭曲,叶片子叶失绿有灼烧状病斑,真叶黄绿卷缩干枯,复叶不完整、小而皱缩严重的生长点坏死;幼苗矮小畸形,生长缓慢,茎细节长、干枯弱小;根系发育受到抑
The term fibromatosis describes fibrotic tumor-like lesions of the skin which are seen in all age groups.They may be congenital or acquired and occur as single
BACKGROUND Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a documented risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD) and progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). How
为了响应农业部《到2020 年农药使用量零增长行动方案》的要求,推动农药减量增产的技术措施,近两年来,普兰店市农业技术推广中心在中心试验示范基地陆续开展了“玉米作物健康绿色增产施乐健技术示范”“玉米病虫草害综合防控与增产解决方案示范”以及“玉米高产创建植保技术示范”等试验示范工作,取得了明显的成效。  1 示范主要技术措施  1.1 除草  在玉米生长的4~5叶期,每亩使用30%苯唑草酮(苞卫)悬
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BACKGROUND Transcatheter device closure of atrial septal defect (ASD) guided by fluoroscopy and/or transesophageal echocardiography is a mature technology. Litt
BACKGROUND Diffuse fasciitis with psoriatic arthritis on magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)has not been previously described in childhood.Here we present the first