改革评价体系 促进师生发展

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本文针对在改革的过程中,学校在评价方面一直缺乏科学的评价机制,缺乏促进师生自我发展的评价方法和体系等问题,学校制定了《主体发展型教学评价研究》方案并组织实施,一方面对学校已开展的教育教学研究活动进行线性延续和整合;另一方面探索设计一套体现素质教育理念的,以教师、家长、学生为评价主体的,以增强学生的学习自主和教师的专业自主,促进教学质量提高为核心的一系列的评价活动,把评价活动当作教育活动合理地组织起来,最大限度地促进师生成长,最终达到学校的成长。 In the process of the reform, the school lacks the scientific evaluation mechanism in the aspect of evaluation, and lacks the evaluation method and system to promote the self-development of teachers and students. The school has formulated and organized the program of “the subject-oriented development teaching evaluation” On the other hand, it explores and designs a set of concepts that reflect quality education, with teachers, parents and students as the evaluation subject to enhance students ’autonomy in learning and teachers’ professionalism Independent, and promote the improvement of teaching quality as the core of a series of evaluation activities, the evaluation activities as educational activities reasonably organized to maximize the growth of teachers and students, and ultimately achieve the school’s growth.
患者 ,女 ,85岁 ,家庭妇女。因流涕 3d,咳嗽、咳痰、恶心、呕吐、发热 1d于 2 0 0 0年 1月 18日急诊入院。既往有糖尿病2型病史 10 a,入院前经胰岛素皮下注射降糖治疗 ,无癫
一、改进创新,要注意把握思想政治工作效益上的特殊性 实践告诉我们,思想政治工作也能出经济效益,但这种效益具有其特殊性。一是直观效益。如为转变机关干部作风而组织的义
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Objective To investigate the characteristics of mutations in exon 3-20 of Wilson disease (WD) gene and their consequences in Chinese population Methods Sixty
目的 探讨尼莫地平对蛛网膜下腔出血 (SAH)后脑血管痉挛所致神经功能损伤的保护作用。方法 对单纯SAH组和尼莫地平处理组大鼠观察手术前后基底动脉管径 ,并检测局部脑血流