Expression and Clinical Significance of CD44vin Hum an Gastric Cancers

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zheng829
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Expression of CD44v mRNA in 20 patients with gastric tumor was investigated to identify the correlation of the CD44 gene splice and abnormal expression with the clinicopathological changes. The results showed that CD44v mRNA was expressed in 16 of 20 gastric cancers. In 5 out of the 10 mucosa tissues adjacent to gastric cancer, However, no expression of CD44v mRNA was found in all 10 normal mucosa specimens; Positive expression was found in 15 of 16 patients with lymph node metastasis, and 1 out of 4 patients without lymph node metastasis, as well as 5 cases with distant metastasis (P<0.05). Positive expression of CD44v was found in 2 out of 5 well differentiated type gastric cancers, and 14 out of 15 poorly differentiated gastric cancers. Differences were found in the expression between the two types of gastric mucosa (P<0.05). All the mucosa samples including normal gastric mucosa, gastric cancer and its adjacent tissues presented the standard CD44v mRNA. The conclusion was that the abnormal expression of CD44v is a universal significance in gastric cancer, which might serve as an early marker of gastric cancer and metastasis. Expression of CD44v mRNA in 20 patients with gastric tumor was investigated to identify the correlation of the CD44 gene splice and abnormal expression with the clinicopathological changes. The results showed that CD44v mRNA was expressed in 16 of 20 gastric cancers. In 5 out of the 10 Mucosa features adjacent to gastric cancer, However, no expression of CD44v mRNA was found in all 10 normal mucosa specimens; Positive expression was found in 15 of 16 patients with lymph node metastasis, and 1 out of 4 patients without lymph node metastasis, as well As 5 cases with distant metastasis (P<0.05). Positive expression of CD44v was found in 2 out of 5 well differentiated type gastric cancers, and 14 out of 15 poorly differentiated gastric cancers. Differences were found in the expression between the two types of Gastric mucosa (P<0.05). All the mucosa samples including normal gastric mucosa, gastric cancer and its adjacent tissues presented the standard CD44v mRNA. The conclusion was that th e abnormal expression of CD44v is a universal significance in gastric cancer, which might serve as an early marker of gastric cancer and metastasis.
日期:1982年1月12~14日主办单位:Technische Akademie Esslingen 共同主办:Gesellschaft fǖr Tribologic e. V. 计划委员会议长:w.J.Bartz 主题; ①从摩擦学和能量的观点研
YSP45型凿岩机机头、排气口排出的废气引起的二次产尘是该机作业面粉尘浓度高的主要原因,因此,应把防岩浆雾化作为诙机作业时的主要降尘措施。推荐了两种方法。 YSP45-type
我院自1997年1月~1998年10月以内外放射结合治疗中晚期的食管癌27例,取得良好效果,现将结果报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组27例,男16例,女11例;年龄42~71岁,中位年龄58岁;全部经X线钡餐检查初步诊断并经病