Feedback Learning Based Dead Write Termination for Energy Efficient STT-RAM Caches

来源 :Chinese Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:e56urty
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Spin-torque transfer RAM(STT-RAM) is a promising candidate to replace SRAM for larger Last level cache(LLC). However, it has long write latency and high write energy which diminish the benefit of adopting STT-RAM caches. A common observation for LLC is that a large number of cache blocks have never been referenced again before they are evicted. The write operations for these blocks, which we call dead writes, can be eliminated without incurring subsequent cache misses. To address this issue, a quantitative scheme called Feedback learning based dead write termination(FLDWT) is proposed to improve energy efficiency and performance of STT-RAM based LLC. FLDWT dynamically learns the block access behavior by using data reuse distance and data access frequency, and then classifies the blocks into dead blocks and live blocks. FLDWT terminates dead write block requests and improves the estimation accuracy via feedback information. Compared with STT-RAM baseline in the lastlevel caches, experimental results show that our scheme achieves energy reduction by 44.6% and performance improvement by 12% on average with negligible overhead. Spin-torque transfer RAM (STT-RAM) is a promising candidate to replace SRAM for larger Last level cache (LLC). However, it has long write latency and high write energy which diminish the benefit of adopting STT-RAM caches. A common observation for LLC is that a large number of cache blocks have never been referenced again before they are evicted. The write operations for these blocks, which we we dead dead writes, can be eliminated without incurring subsequent cache misses. To address this issue, a quantitative scheme called Feedback learning based dead write termination (FLDWT) is proposed to improve energy efficiency and performance of STT-RAM based LLC. FLDWT dynamically learns the block access behavior by using data reuse distance and data access frequency, and then classifies the blocks into dead blocks and live blocks. FLDWT terminates dead write block requests and improves the estimation accuracy via feedback information. Compared with STT-RAM baseline in the lastvel caches, experim ental results show that our scheme achieves energy reduction by 44.6% and performance improvement by 12% on average with negligible overhead.
针对电磁超声探伤方法的特点 ,提出一种气垫式电磁超声探头的设计思想。这种探头具有无磨损、可在高温下工作等优点。本文还为气垫式探头的进一步研究提出了具有借鉴意义的结
This paper focuses on selecting the appropriate filtering location to minimize the amount of filtering routers in the traceback-based packet filtering for defen
【摘 要】都是一个具有“总括”和“分配”两种功能的双重功能算子。一般认为“都”只能修饰它左边的复数NP或者单数可再分解的NP。本文在双重功能算子的框架下讨论“都”在不同句式中“总括”和“分配”功能时如何实现的。主要的句式包括“NP复数+都+VPvi”;“NP+NP单数+都VP”;“NP复数+都+VPvi+数量名”;“时(间词)+NP单数(时间词)+都+VP”以及“都”修饰处于其右边的疑问代词wh。
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