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中等职业教育的定位是在九年制义务教育的基础上培养适应生产、建设、管理、服务等第一线需要的高素质的劳动者和初、中级技能型人才。从这个观点出发,中等职业教育应以就业为导向,以技能培养为目标,以职业资格标准为依据来改革学校的专业设置、课程结构、教学内容以及教学方法。数控专业是我校主要专业、省级示 Secondary vocational education is positioned on the basis of nine-year compulsory education training to adapt to production, construction, management, service and other first-line needs of high-quality workers and junior and mid-level skilled personnel. From this point of view, secondary vocational education should take the employment as the orientation, take the skills cultivation as the goal and reform the professional setting, the curriculum structure, the teaching content and the teaching methods based on the vocational qualification standard. NC major is my school major, provincial show
A method for data classification will influence the efficiency of classification. Attributes reduction based on discernibility matrix and discernibility functio
In model-based diagnosis, the candidate diagnostic results are generally characterized by all minimal hitting sets for the collection of all conflict sets. In t
Two approaches of genetic analysis of quantitative traits were compared with a case study on soybean.One approach was the segregation analysis developed by Gai
(上接2006年第5期第42页)监控系统的主站和从站PLC都选用Siemens的Simatic S7-300系列的产品。该产品在工程领域应用广泛,尤其是有较强的组网能力。现场设备层的主要功能是连