
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuantang88
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南漳县的九集镇是湖北襄樊市的农业大镇,全镇有42家镇办企业,党政机关干部126人,行政事业单位干部职工1345人,企业职工801人,私营企业和个体工商户从业人员近2000人。该镇在2001年4月组建镇工会工作委员会,通过镇党委、镇政府和县总工会的重视指导,社会各方面的通力协作,依法开展了镇工会经费收缴工作,全镇工会的会员会费交纳率、工会经费拨缴率和上解率都达到90%以上。该镇的主要作法是: 一、抓认识 依法开展乡镇工会经费收缴工作,是目前工会面临的一个大难题。尤其是在工会经费收缴的认识上,不少同志思想认识一直上不去,有的说什么“自从盘古开天地,只晓得农村成立过农会,没见过农村建工会”;还有的说什么“企业挣钱,工会要钱,单位职工要掏钱”;甚而有的还说什么“我办企业我当家,不缴经费也合法”等等。为澄清和消除这些模糊认识,九集镇狠抓了三个层 Nine towns in Nanzhang County is an agricultural town in Xiangfan City, Hubei Province. There are 42 town-run enterprises, 126 party and government cadres, 1345 cadres and workers in administrative institutions, 801 enterprise employees, private-owned enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households Nearly 2,000 employees. In April 2001, the town formed a working committee of the town trade unions. Through the guidance and guidance of the town party committees, the town government and the county general trade unions and the concerted efforts of all sectors of society, the town collected the funds of the town trade unions and the membership dues of the town’s trade unions Rate, the rate of union funds and the rate of completion of the settlement reached more than 90%. The town’s main approach is: First, grasp the understanding of the township trade union funds collected by law, is currently facing a major problem for trade unions. In particular, in understanding the collection of funds by trade unions, many people have not been able to understand their ideology continuously. Some have said that “since the ancient Panyu was opened up to the world, it has only been known that the establishment of a peasant association in rural areas has not been seen and that the rural construction trade union has not been seen.” What “enterprises earning money, union money, unit workers have to pay money”; even some say “I run a business I am a leader, do not pay funds are legal” and so on. To clarify and eliminate these vague understanding, nine sets of towns pay close attention to the three layers
多年来,我们幼儿园向家长们征集了很多好的建议,在许多大型活动中也能看到家长们忙碌的身影,家长们还自发送来了很多废弃材料用来制作玩教具。为了更好地实施家园共育,更加有效开展并合理运用家长资源,本学期初,我们幼儿园准备建立家长资源库,成立六组家长义工队,向全园家长发出了招募启示,并对每一组义工队的职责和义务进行了大概的描述,内容如下。  教学资源小组:愿意参与幼儿园的教育教学;愿意走进课堂,和孩子们做
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