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蒋亦元,东北农业大学教授、博士生导师,年逾古稀的他,从事农业机械的教学和科研工作已近半个世纪。1995年,当他历时15年研制成功的“割前脱粒水稻收获机械系统”获国家科技进步二等奖——建国以来农机行业最高奖时,颗粒归仓——这一人类获取生存条件的美好愿望离现实又大大缩短了距离。 水稻割前脱粒,是世界农业机械领域里一个历史性的难题,近百年来,许多国家投入大量人力、物力研究,但收效甚微。 1968年,东北农学院下乡办学,来到黑龙江省汤原县香兰农场。望着金黄的稻子,蒋亦元反而紧锁眉头:人工割稻,效率极低;脱粒机脱谷,损失很大;康拜因收割,稻子破壳和破碎率高,不宜作种子。农机工作者强烈的使命感使他下定决心,研制水稻割前脱粒机,为农民造福。 蒋亦元把实验室设在依兰县的收割机厂,从构思、设计、绘图到试制、安装零部件,都亲自动手。后来,学校搬回哈尔滨,教学任务繁忙起来,可他每年都要去依兰收割机厂20余次,行程近万公里。 1979年,第一代样机诞生了,蒋亦元奇巧的设计解决了一些以往没有解决的问题:仿形拔禾轮与 JiangYiyuan, Northeast Agricultural UniversityProfessor, doctoral tutor, more than his seventies, engaged in agricultural machinery teaching and research work has been nearly half a century. In 1995, when he successfully developed “cutting threshing rice harvesting machinery system” lasted for 15 years and won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award - the highest award in the field of agricultural machinery since the founding of PRC, the grain-sorting warehouse - the human being gets the better living conditions Wish away from reality and greatly shorten the distance. Threshing of rice before cutting is a historic problem in the field of agricultural machinery in the world. In the past century, many countries invested a lot of manpower and material resources in research, but with little success. In 1968, Northeast Agricultural College to school, came to Tangyuan County, Heilongjiang Province Panyan farms. Looking at the golden rice, Jiang Yiyuan instead of knuckles: artificial cutting rice, the efficiency is very low; thresher threshing machine, a great loss; Kang Bei due to harvest, broken rice crusts and broken high rate, should not be used as seeds. The strong sense of mission of agricultural workers convinced him to develop rice pre-harvest thresher for the benefit of farmers. Jiang Yiyuan laboratory located in Yilan County, the harvester factory, from conception, design, drawing to trial production, installation of spare parts, are hands-on. Later, the school moved back to Harbin, busy teaching tasks, but he went to Yilan harvester plant every year more than 20 times, travel nearly million kilometers. In 1979, the first generation of prototype was born, Jiang Yiyi Kit Kat design to solve some problems not solved in the past: copying of Hebi and
鼍矽弋嗣眇’ 、滞二篁誉雩瓢:瑟j.了:!二。。l-”q阜三喜。扇矿‘。一莨≥h≮~0“.-≯《豁t黼煮I麓擎翥。i。‘二髋妻巴一拽’毽三.:。!奠基。翻0璧;五0, ■ 一w ㈣ ■一遴壬
目的 评价新型止血材料S100在神经外科硬脑膜修复中的应用价值,随访记录术后并发症和术中指标差异.方法 选取本院在2019年1月至2020年4月脑外科收治的需进行神经硬脑膜修补术
目前在美国使用的每型50μg的14型多价肺炎球菌荚膜多糖体菌苗,已广泛用于肺炎易感者。本文报导肺炎球菌多糖体菌苗以 Currently used in the United States each type of