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目的分析作战部队官兵精索静脉曲张高发的原因,为作战部队官兵精索静脉曲张的预防提供参考依据。方法对某作战部队2160名官兵进行了精索静脉曲张发病情况调查分析。结果共检出精索静脉曲张458例(21.2%),军龄>1年的官兵精索静脉曲张发生率高于军龄≤1年的官兵,前者分级以中度为主,而后者分级以轻度为主;随军龄增加,精索静脉曲张发生率增高且程度加重。结论作战部队官兵中精索静脉曲张发病率高,Ⅱ度和Ⅲ度占比高,高发原因有:特殊的生活环境和高强度的军事训练;新兵年青,雄激素分泌旺盛,睾丸血流量相对较大等。作战部队官兵精索静脉曲张的高发致使其军事训练能力、训练水平、生活热情下降,甚至波及正常官兵,对高强度的军事训练产生恐惧心理,严重影响整支部队的战斗力,需予以高度重视。 Objective To analyze the causes of the high incidence of varicocele among officers and soldiers in combat units and provide references for the prevention of varicocele in officers and soldiers of combat units. Methods 2160 officers and men of a combat unit were investigated for the incidence of varicocele. Results A total of 458 cases (21.2%) of varicocele were detected. The prevalence of varicocele of officers and soldiers> 1 year old was higher than that of soldiers aged less than 1 years. The former was graded moderately and the latter graded mild With the increase of military age, the incidence of varicocele increased and increased. Conclusions The incidence rate of varicocele in officers and soldiers in combat units is high, and the proportion of Ⅱ and Ⅲ degrees is high. The reasons for the high incidence are: special living environment and high-intensity military training; young recruits are young and their androgen secretion is strong; testicular blood flow is relatively Big and so on. The high incidence of varicocele among officers and soldiers in combat units has caused their military training capability, training level, enthusiasm for life to decline, and even spread to normal officers and men, causing fear to high-intensity military training and seriously affecting the combat effectiveness of the entire force.
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