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中华人民共和国轻工业部、地方工业部、中华全国总工会轻工业工作委员会于今年十月二十五日联合召开的全国油脂工业先进经验交流大会上,提出了今冬到一九五五年一年内在已有油料的基础上,提高榨油工业的生产技术,使每百斤油料增加出油率一斤至二斤,为全国增产二万万斤油脂的号召。这一措施,对于提高油脂工业,解决目前由于油脂生产增长赶不上消费增长速度的困难,有着极其重大的意义。为此,我省各级政府必须加强对于油脂工业的领导,组织油脂工业的全体职工认真地学习与推广李川江先进的榨油经验与操作方法,改善企业管理,节约用料,提高出油率,降低饼内残油量,务使我省实现增产植物油五百万斤的任务。根据使落后赶上先进增加出油的原则,我省要求地方国营油厂棉籽出油率在原有基础上提高百分之一点一八,使每百斤棉籽出油量平均达到十六点五斤以上,豆子出油率提高百分之二,使每百斤豆子出油量平均达到十二点五斤。供销合作社各油厂棉籽出油率提高百分之一点三五,使每百斤棉籽出油量平均达到十五斤;豆子出油率提高百分之一点五七斤,使每百斤豆子出油量平均达到十一点六斤以上。手工业土榨和私营人力螺旋机油厂棉籽出油率提高百分之一点五,使每百斤棉籽出油量平均达到十四斤至十五斤。其它芝麻、葫麻、菜籽、蓖麻等均要求出油率提高百分之二以上。为保证完成上述任务,特提出如下几项措施: The Ministry of Light Industry of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Industry, and the Light Industry Working Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions jointly held the National Oil Industry Advanced Experience Exchange Conference held on October 25 this year and proposed that this winter to the year of 1954 must On the basis of oil, the production technology of the oil extraction industry will be increased, so that the oil output per kilogram of oil will increase from one pound to two pounds, which will be the call for the production of 20 million kilograms of oil for the country. This measure has great significance for improving the oil and fat industry and solving the current difficulty in meeting the growth rate of consumption due to the growth of oil production. To this end, all levels of government in our province must strengthen the leadership of the oil industry and organize all employees of the oil industry to earnestly learn and promote Li Chuanjiang’s advanced oil extraction experience and operation methods, improve enterprise management, save materials, and increase oil yields. To reduce the amount of residual oil in the cake, and to ensure that our province will achieve the task of increasing production of vegetable oil by 5 million catties. According to the principle of catching up with advanced oil production, our province required that the oil output of local state-owned oil plants be increased by 1.8% on an original basis, and the average oil output per kilogram of cottonseeds should reach 16.5. Above the pound, the oil yield of beans increased by 2%, and the oil output per 100 kilograms of beans reached an average of 12.5 pounds. The cotton seed oil yield of the oil supply and marketing cooperatives increased by 1.35 per cent, resulting in an average oil output of 15 kilograms per hundred kilograms of cottonseeds; the oil yield of the beans increased by 1.57 per kilogram, which made every hundred pounds. The average oil output of beans reaches more than eleven six pounds. Handicraft soil presses and private manpower screw oil plants increase the oilseed oil yield by 1.5%, resulting in an average of 14 to 15 pounds per kilogram of cottonseed oil. Other sesame seeds, ramie, rapeseed, and ramie all require oil yields to increase by more than 2%. In order to ensure the accomplishment of the above tasks, we propose the following measures:
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对于我。这是上苍种下的一场冬雪。  霜冻来不及捡拾的枯叶,是我满山的蝴蝶。红的,黄的,是一只只逗号,翻飞在山坡和冈峦;灰褐的,黑斑的,是一群群句号,落寞在林荫和沟涧。  我眼角的一滴泪,不是为了忧伤。  对于你。这是大地捧起的一台歌舞。  北风吟哦而至的长啸,是你出场的序曲。或浅或深的呼吸,或轻或重的步履,或散或聚的浪漫,都是上苍与大地的抒情。  你脸颊的一朵笑,不是为了欢悦。  对于我们。这是一
近年来,山东晨鸣纸业集团股份有限公司坚持依靠职工深化改革开辟企业发展道路,探索出了一条集团化经营、裂变式扩张的成功之路, In recent years, Shandong Chenming Paper