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民办高职院校大学生党建工作,是民办高校学生管理的重要组成部分,也是一项需要与时俱进、不断创新的政治教育系统工程。做好民办高职院校学生党建工作,不仅仅是党的组织队伍人才素质和根基的基本保证,更是民办高职院校践行“三个代表”重要思想、落实科学发展观和党的“十八大”会议精神的一项重大举措,对民办高职院校高素质学生队伍的建设也具有特殊的重要意义。因此,民办高职院校的学生党建工作,必须要坚定不移的走科学发展的道路,同时要善于通过对比、学习和实践,不断总结和摸索出一套适合民办高职院校自身发展特点的学生党建工作的新思路、新方法,为能更好更有效率地推进民办高校的党建工作开辟新的途径。 The work of party building in private higher vocational colleges is an important part of the management of students in private colleges. It is also a systematic project of political education that needs to advance with the times and innovate continuously. To do a good job in party building of students in private higher vocational colleges is not only the basic guarantee for the quality and foundation of the personnel of the party’s organizational ranks, but also the practice of the important thought of Three Represents in private higher vocational colleges and the implementation of the scientific concept of development A major move of the Party’s “18th National Congress” spirit is also of special significance to the construction of high-quality student teams in private higher vocational colleges. Therefore, the construction of students’ party work in private higher vocational colleges must unswervingly follow the path of scientific development. At the same time, we should be good at comparing, studying and practicing. We should continue to summarize and explore a set of characteristics suitable for the development of private higher vocational colleges The new ideas and methods of Party building work of students have opened up new avenues for better and more efficient promotion of party building in private colleges and universities.
介绍了润滑脂注油机的结构特点 ,工作原理及实际使用效果等情况 The structural features, working principle and practical application of grease lubricator are introd