
来源 :采矿与安全工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanmumuren
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煤层底板隔水岩层的结构、厚度是影响承压水上采煤安全性的重要因素。河南省局部地区缺失奥陶系,煤层开采受底板高承压寒武系石灰岩岩溶水突水威胁严重。以位于豫中矿区的马陵山煤矿为例,通过现场钻探查明了该矿煤层底板寒灰上段至少25 m厚度的含隔水层结构。以此为基础,评价了该层段的阻隔水能力,研究了基于GIS平台并利用寒灰上段的相对隔水性开展底板突水危险性评价的方法。应用研究成果,解放了马陵山矿约1 340万t的煤炭资源储量,并实现了近400万t煤炭的安全采出;同时,成功完成了该矿-350 m水平上车场进入寒灰上段垂深55.5m、320 m长巷道的施工。研究表明,将寒灰上段岩溶不发育段作为隔水层考虑更符合实际,并成功指导了马陵山矿的带压开采工作。 The structure and thickness of the coal seam floor aquifer are important factors affecting the safety of coal mining on confined water. In some areas of Henan Province, there is a lack of Ordovician, and coal seam mining is seriously threatened by karst water inrush from high-pressure Cambrian limestone floor. Taking the Malingshan Coal Mine located in the Yuzhong mining area as an example, the aquifer structure with a thickness of at least 25 m in the upper part of the cold ash of the coal seam floor has been identified through field drilling. Based on this, the barrier water capacity of this interval was evaluated. Based on the GIS platform, the method of using the relative impermeability of upper slash to evaluate the risk of water inrush from floor was studied. The application of research results liberated about 11.44 million tons of coal reserves in the Malingshan Mine and realized the safe recovery of nearly 4 million tons of coal. At the same time, the completion of the mine site at -350 m into the cold ash upper reaches The depth of 55.5m, 320 m long roadway construction. The research shows that it is more practicable to think of the karst unobstructed section in the upper part of the winter gray as the aquitard, which has successfully guided the exploitation of pressure in the Malingshan Mine.
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