
来源 :云南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shem12god
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各州、市、县人民政府办公室,各地区行政公署办公室,省直各委、办、厅、局办公室: 2000年度《云南政报》的发行工作,由于各级人民政府和有关单位的高度重视,发行数量不断扩大,社会覆盖面越来越广,对于及时宣传贯彻省人民政府的各项政策、规章发挥了较好的作用。为表彰先进,进一步做好《云南政报》发行工作,省政府办公厅决定对在2000年度《云南政报》宣 The offices of the people’s governments of all state, city and county regions, the offices of the administrative offices of all regions, the offices of the provincial commissions, offices, offices and bureaus: The issuance of the “Yunnan Daily” in 2000, due to the great attention paid by the people’s governments at all levels and the relevant units, The issuance of the number continues to expand, the social coverage is more and more widely, for the timely publicity and implementation of the provincial people’s government policies and regulations play a better role. In recognition of advanced and further efforts to issue the “Yunnan Bulletin”, the provincial government office decided to declare “Yunnan Bulletin” in 2000
为总结教育、教学的优秀成果 ,推广先进经验 ,深化素质教育 ,经批准 ,山东原材料科技学院等十余家大中专院校拟在国家教委烟台学术活动中心举办学术交流研讨会 ,现应邀向全国
作为《兵团建设》的一名忠实读者,我有幸参加培训,感到既激动又荣幸。感谢兵团建设杂志社给我们提供了一个环境优美的学习环境和相 As a faithful reader of Corps Construc
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In general all detonation waves have cellular structure formed by the trajectory of the triple points.This paperaims to investigate experimentally the propagat
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一周的时间是短暂的,但我得到的启发是深刻的。一周来,我进一步了解到新时期兵团新闻工作的重要性,深感作为一名基层新闻工作者,肩上责任重大。同时培训班上各位老 The week