Direct Ni Electroless Metallization of Poly(etherimide) without Using Palladium as a Catalyst

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:husong724
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Nickel or copper electroless metallization of polymers needs the grafting of a catalyst (palladium in the Pd(0) oxidation state) on the substrate surface to be coated. Our previous works on this topic [1-5] have allowed to develop a simple, tin-free method to attach Pd(+2) species from a palladium chloride (PdCl2) solution on any insulating surface and subsequently to reduce them, in the wet way, into the Pd(0) oxidation state. This Pd(0) state of the catalyst allows an instantaneous initiation of the Ni or Cu deposit by immersion in a plating bath. As palladium is an expensive chemical, it appears interesting to replace it by Ni(0) or Cu(0) species which are catalysts of their own ion reduction. Concerning the direct Ni electroless plating, the polymer surface (PI) was made catalytic for the electroless process by deposition (spin- coating or dipping) of an ultra-thin film of an organic nickel salt in an alcoholic solution. The chemical reduction of this salt, checked by XPS, was performed by chemical or photochemical ways and by plasma. Under these conditions, the initiation, by autocatalysis, of the Ni film deposition in an industrial plating bath was immediate i.e. without any initiation time. The film obtained was homogeneous, dense, bright, well-adhering up to thicknesses reaching 3μm Nickel or copper electroless metallization of polymers needs the grafting of a catalyst (palladium in the Pd (0) oxidation state) on the substrate surface to be coated. Pd (+2) species from a palladium chloride (PdCl2) solution on any insulating surface and subsequently to reduce them, in the wet way into the Pd (0) oxidation state. This Pd of the catalyst allows an instantaneous initiation of the Ni or Cu deposit by immersion in a plating bath. As palladium is an expensive chemical, it appears interesting to replace it by Ni (0) or Cu (0) species which are catalysts of their own Concerning the direct Ni electroless plating, the polymer surface (PI) was made of catalytic for the electroless process by deposition (spin-coating or dipping) of an ultra-thin film of an organic nickel salt in an alcoholic solution. The chemical reduction of this salt, checked by XPS, was perf Under these conditions, the initiation, by autocatalysis, of the Ni film deposition in an industrial plating bath was immediate ie without any initiation time. The film obtained was homogeneous, dense, bright, well- adhering up to thicknesses reaching 3μm
美国艺术家Janet Echelman在印度渔村游历时受到启发,开始了巨型“空中渔网”的艺术装置创作。她在全球各地的城市中铺撒开一个个巨大的网,这些网格有着如同极光般美丽的梦幻
表演者:Linkin Park(林肯公园)林肯公园的歌迷们现在可以从这张2017年5月发行的专辑中听出第一首歌Nobody Can Save Me所暗含的意义:“我悬宕在边缘,想驱赶心中的黑暗,因为没
人生就是这样,每一段旅程都要有一个节点,而这个节点就是离别。只有与过去彻底分别。才能在下一段生命里闯出属于自己的新世界。  总觉得别离是一个很沉重的话题,背负了太多太多岁月的感伤和渴望重回过去的优愁。心上的秋天已经凋零,就算轻舟都承载不起,又何况小小的两个汉字?  惆怅一寸寸爬上心头,恍惚间已“人是物非”。  突然下起了雨,此时我还在看书,坐在窗台边静静地阅读着一行行溢满墨香的文字。听到窗外响起嗒
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以魔芋葡甘聚糖为原料 ,分别采用苯甲酸、醋酸和没食子酸对魔芋葡甘聚糖进行酯化改性 ,研究了改性 p H值、温度及改性处理时间对改性产物吸附空气中 SO2 和抑菌效果的影响 ,
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