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江苏欧华螺杆机江西办事处欧华江苏大力空压机江西办事处请广大消费者认准“江苏欧曼压缩机有限公司”生产的“欧华”牌系列产品,正确购买,放心使用。江苏欧曼压缩机有限公司是一家专业从事空气压缩机研发制造企业,公司位于黄海之滨麋鹿故多——江苏大丰经济开发区。公司凭借雄厚的技术实力,同时引_进欧洲的世界顶级螺杆主机,德国原装高计系统ISO9001国际标准化品质认证体系整装,打造出“欧华”高品质系列螺杆式空气压缩机。无论售前,售中,售后,只要用户需求设备技术的帮助和咨询,本公司将在24小时予以无偿提供技术资料,现场开机调试成功后,我公司的售后服务工程师负责对用户的操作人员进行常规的操作培训,在质保期内,接到用户设备发生故障的通报,公司直派售后服务工程师力争24小时内到达现场。公司建立了普及全国的32个营销服务网络及近200个经销商,企业的诚信服务深得用户好评。该公司生产的“微油螺杆”系列空气压缩机自进入江西市场以来,一贯遵守《产品质量法》、《消费者权益保护法》、《合同法》等法律法规,积极履行自己的法定义务,切实做好各项售后服务,深受广大消费者的信赖和好评,欢迎广大消费者拨打公司服务电话:0791-86806803。 Jiangsu EU-China screw extruder office in Europe, Europe and China Jiangsu strong air compressor office in Jiangxi, please consumers look for “Jiangsu Auman Compressor Co., Ltd. ” production “Ouhua ” brand products, the correct purchase, safe to use. Jiangsu Auman Compressor Co., Ltd. is a professional R & D and manufacturing air compressor manufacturer, the company is located in the Yellow Sea moose and more - Jiangsu Dafeng Economic Development Zone. Companies with strong technical strength, at the same time cited _ into the world’s top screw host in Europe, the German original altimeter system ISO9001 international standardization quality certification system to build “” European high-quality series of screw air compressor. Regardless of pre-sale, sale, sale, as long as the user needs equipment and technical assistance and advice, the Company will be 24 hours free of charge to provide technical information, commissioning on-site success, the company’s after-sales service engineers responsible for the user’s operator Regular operation training, during the warranty period, received notice of failure of user equipment, the company sent straight after-sales service engineers strive to reach the scene within 24 hours. The company has established a national network of 32 marketing services and nearly 200 dealers, the integrity of the business won the praise of users. Since its entry into Jiangxi market, the “Micro Oil Screw” series air compressors produced by the company consistently abide by the laws and regulations such as “Product Quality Law”, “Consumer Protection Law”, “Contract Law” and other laws and regulations, and actively fulfill its own statutory Obligations, and effectively improve the after-sales service, by the vast number of consumers trust and praise, consumers are welcome to call the company service phone: 0791-86806803.
中国科学院、中国工程院两院院士,清华大学张光斗教授于1996年6月15日给中国继续工程教育协会办公室写信,对继续教育作了重要论述,现全文刊登如下。 Chinese Academy of Sci
行善积德 美国著名的辛迪诺商店在开业之初,经常赞助那些能在电台、报刊上抛头露面的节目,使商店的社会知名度大大提高,可商品销售一直处于滞销状态。 Running the Good Br
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