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改革开放和经济建设是当前的工作中心,档案馆应围绕这个中心,充分开发档案信息资源,最大限度地满足利用者的需要。建立档案目录中心,是开发全县档案信息资源的重要前提。一、我县档案目录中心的建设情况党的十一届三中全会后,我县档案馆为适应社会主义各项建设事业的需要,馆藏档案的检索工具已由单一的“案卷目录”,逐步发展到永久、长期档案都有“案卷文件目录”、“专门档案目录”、“科技档案目录”、“声像档案目录”和有关的“重要文件目录”及“资料分类目录”等,还根据各个时期中心工作的需要,编制了“机构变化”、“干部任免”、“人员处分”、“精简下放人员”、“征用土地”等专题目录。这些检索工具虽提高了提供档案的查准率、查全率,但它只能开发利用档案馆馆藏档案的信息资源。而要开发全县档案信息资源,就需建立全县的档案目录中心。我县档案馆在自有目录的基础上,定期接收了县直一、二级机关.(单位)和各乡镇档案室的室藏永久、长期档案的“案卷目录”和“案卷文件目录”。目前,档案馆保管着全县270个全宗档案目录,共有 Reform and opening up and economic construction are the current centers of work. Archives should focus on this center and fully develop archival information resources to meet the needs of users to the maximum. The establishment of file directory center, is an important prerequisite for the development of county file information resources. I. Construction of Archives Catalog Center in Our County After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, in order to meet the needs of various socialist construction projects, the archives of the county archives have been gradually replaced by a single “directory of case files” The development of permanent and long-term archives includes “File File Directory”, “Special File Directory”, “Technology File Directory”, “Audio-Visual File Directory” and related “Important File Directory” and “Data Classification Directory” In the light of the needs of the center’s work in all periods, special directories such as “Institutional Change”, “Appointment and Dismissal of Cadres,” “Personnel Disposal,” “Streamlining and Dispersing Officers,” and “Expropriating Land” were compiled. Although these search tools improve the accuracy and recall of files, they can only develop information resources that make use of archives of archives. And to develop county archives information resources, you need to establish the county’s archives directory center. On the basis of its own catalog, the county archives regularly receive the first and second level organs (units) and the archives of villages and towns in the permanent and long-term archives of the “case file directory” and the “file file directory.” At present, the archives store 270 Fonds archives directory, a total of
历史上东原即山东东平。从《三国演义》多种明刊本署名等情况看 ,其作者为“东原罗贯中”即山东东平人 ;《三国演义》、《水浒传》也有多处内证共同表明其作者罗贯中为“东原
(括号内圆点前为期号 ,后为页码 )纪念沈从文诞辰一百周年沈从文创作的思想价值论凌宇 (6 5 )———写在沈从文百年诞辰之际域外学者关于沈从文与世界文学比较研究述略杨瑞
本刊讯 1993年3月20日至24日海关总署在重庆召开了全国海关档案工作会议。出席会议的有广东分署,各直属海关、院校,总署档案馆筹备组和总署办公室的代表共50人。会议的中心