The pairing behavior of the metaphase I chromosomes in hybrid F_1 pollen mother cells of four Brassica species (black mustard, Brassica napus, Brassica juncea and Ethiopian mustard) was observed. The results showed that the Arabidopsis Brassica napus × black mustard, Ethiopia Mustard x black mustard, mustard B. rapa × Ethiopian mustard, B. juncea × B. napus L. and B. napus × Ethiopia mustard F1 hybrids showed an average of 9.77I + 8.03II + 0.03III, 8.82I + 8.02II + 0.052III, respectively. 56I + 14.98II + 0.39III + 0.33IV (V), 14.17I + 11.15II + 0.133III + 0.027IV and 15.42I + 10.14II + 0.085III + 0.014IV. Thus, the homology between A and C is greater than that of A and B or B and C between the Brassica A, B and C genomes. At the same time, the homology between A and B, A and B Partially homologous chromosome pairing between C and B and C had no effect.