Post-transcriptional gene silencing, transcriptional gene silencing and human immunodeficiency virus

来源 :World Journal of Virology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m634606037
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While human immunodeficiency virus 1(HIV-1) infectionis controlled through continuous, life-long use of a combination of drugs targeting different steps of the virus cycle, HIV-1 is never completely eradicated from the body. Despite decades of research there is still no effective vaccine to prevent HIV-1 infection. Therefore, the possibility of an RNA interference(RNAi)-based cure has become an increasingly explored approach. Endogenous gene expression is controlled at both, transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels by noncoding RNAs, which act through diverse molecular mechanisms including RNAi. RNAi has the potential to control the turning on/off of specific genes through transcriptional gene silencing(TGS), as well as finetuning their expression through post-transcriptional gene silencing(PTGS). In this review we will describe in detail the canonical RNAi pathways for PTGS and TGS, the relationship of TGS with other silencing mechanisms and will discuss a variety of approaches developed to suppress HIV-1 via manipulation of RNAi. We will briefly compare RNAi strategies against other approaches developed to target the virus, highlighting their potential to overcome the major obstacle to finding a cure, which is the specific targeting of the HIV-1 reservoir within latently infected cells. While human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) infectionis controlled through continuous, life-long use of a combination of drugs targeting different steps of the virus cycle, HIV-1 is never completely eradicated from the body. no effective vaccine to prevent HIV-1 infection. Thus, the possibility of an RNA interference (RNAi) -based cure has become an increasingly explored approach. Endogenous gene expression is controlled at both, transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels by noncoding RNAs, which act through diverse molecular mechanisms including RNAi. RNAi has the potential to control the turning on / off of specific genes through transcriptional gene silencing (TGS), as well as finetuning their expression through post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS). In this review we will describe in detail the canonical RNAi pathways for PTGS and TGS, the relationship of TGS with other silencing mechanisms and will discuss a variety of approaches developed to suppress HIV-1 via manipulation of RNAi. We will often compare compare RNAi strategies against other exploring developed to target the virus, highlighting their potential to overcome the major obstacle to finding a cure, which is the specific targeting of the HIV-1 reservoir within latently infected cells.
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