
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq7758521
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In December 2001, three Georgian lumberjacks from the village of Lia were expo sed to a strontium-90 source from two Soviet-era radiothermal generators they found near their village. In addition to systemic effects, two of them developed severe local radiation injuries which subsequently became infected with Staphyl ococcus aureus. After hospitalization in Tbilisi, Georgia, the patients were tre ated with various medications, including antibiotics and topical ointments; howe ver, wound healing was only moderately successful, and their S. aureus infection could not be eliminated. Approximately 1 month after hospitalization, treatment with PhagoBioDerm (a wound-healing preparation consisting of a biodegradable p olymer impregnated with ciprofloxacin and bacteriophages) was initiated. Purulen t drainage stopped within 2-7 days. Clinical improvement was associated with ra pid (7 days) elimination of the aetiologic agent, a strain of S. aureus resistan t to many antibiotics (including ciprofloxacin), but susceptible to the bacterio phages contained in the PhagoBioDerm preparation. In December 2001, three Georgian lumberjacks from the village of Lia were expo sed to a strontium-90 source from two Soviet-era radiothermal generators they found near their village. In addition to systemic effects, two of them developed severe local radiation damage next After hospitalization in Tbilisi, Georgia, the patients were treted with various medications, including antibiotics and topical ointments; howe ver, wound healing was only moderately successful, and their S. aureus infection could not be eliminated. Approximately 1 month after hospitalization, treatment with PhagoBioDerm (a wound-healing preparation consisting of a biodegradable polymer impregnated with ciprofloxacin and bacteriophages) was initiated. Purulen t drainage stopped within 2-7 days. Clinical improvement was associated with ra pid (7 days ) elimination of the aetiologic agent, a strain of S. aureus resistan t to many antibiotics (including cipro floxacin), but susceptible to the bacterio phages contained in the PhagoBioDerm preparation.
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