Language Experience Approach

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  With the learners’ experience as the source of the teaching and learning material, Language Experience Approach emphasizes on promoting reading, writing, speaking and listening of the target language and requires the learner to develop language skills through active involvement in specific activities that “contextualize language, integrate skills, and point toward authentic, real-world purposes”(Brown, 2007). LEA was initially developed for native English-speaking children and later on adapted for Maori-speaking children in New Zealand as a technique for literacy development (Cairney, 2008), but more recently LEA has been used in the field of SLA with learners of diverse linguistic backgrounds.
  Ⅰ. Features of LEA
  Firstly, LEA is as diverse in practice as its practitioners. Nonetheless, some characteristics remain consistent (Hall, 1970). “Materials are learner-generated.” The essence of LEA is to create teaching materials and help learners to learn from their own vocabulary, language patterns, and background of experiences. Therefore, the difficulty and complexity of vocabulary and grammar totally depend on the learners’ own language use. Since reading texts are culled from meaningful activities closely related to the learners’ life and interests, the learning material is definitively personalized, interesting and creative. LEA distinctively meets two criteria recommended by Krashen and Terrell (1983) for determining whether reading materials are appropriate for L2 learners: The reading must be 1) at a comprehensible level of complexity and 2) interesting to the reader. In LEA,
  Secondly, although LEA was developed primarily for the improvement of reading skills, it has been proved to an integrated approach, which works effectively in developing learners’ listening, speaking, and writing skills as well. Being able to communicate in English is the general goal of each second language learner. The cultivation and emphasis on communicative competence in classroom is essential for L2 learners, especially for EFL learners since they seldom get chance to practice their oral and listening skills after class. LEA includes listening and speaking in all most every aspects of the learning process as we will see in the design of it. Recommended LEA activities include peer discussions, responding to literature, shared writing, etc. The cultivation of communicative competence and integration of the four skills in LEA perfectly serves the needs of L2 learners.   Thirdly, LEA is appropriate for learners at various levels of English proficiency. L2 learners possess different levels of proficiency in the various competencies of the target language, which makes it challengeable for teachers to facilitate instruction that effectively meets the needs of each individual student. LEA relies on prior life experiences or prior knowledge of the learners. The learning text is collaboratively generated. There are various following-up activities based on learners’ proficiency level, which help refine and extend learners’ literacy skills. LEA offers teachers an instructional framework for meeting learners at their (proficiency) level and helping them use their strengths as speakers and listeners to build reading and writing skills (Dixon
【摘要】在东西方文化的漫长发展过程中,由于地理环境、文化背景、风俗习惯、宗教信仰等因素影响,其在语言构建中对动物词汇的运用也形成了不同的象征意义。本文结合案例对东西方文化中动物词汇的不同象征意义及其形成的原因进行分析,这对于深入了解东西方文化,促进文化沟通与交流均具有重要意义。  【关键词】东西方文化;动物词汇;象征意义;原因分析  【作者简介】杜江(1994-10),男,山西大同人,汉族,长治学
在连接北京、天津两大城市120公里的线路上,是什么技术力量让时速350公里的“和谐导”动车组实现了平稳的“陆地飞行”?奠定高速铁路坚实线路基础的关键在哪里?    我坐在京津城际铁路风驰电掣的高速列车上,窗外色彩宜人的植物群落,被深秋的阳光涂抹成了长长的画卷,远处的田野祥和优美,如同一张凝固的明信片。  京津城际铁路是中国最早开工建设并最先建成的第一条高标准铁路客运专线,在连接北京、天津两大城市1
应对国际金融危机,我们已经取得了明显的成效,但在我们面前的仍是一条不平坦的道路,我们这个民族经历过很多灾难,但是独立不惧、百折不挠是我们的优良传统。  新的一年快到了,我希望全国人民在党和政府的领导下要坚持。胜非为难,持之为难,坚持到底就是胜利。希望在新的一年里,我们还要继续保持忧患意识和危机意识,更加兢兢业业地努力工作,努力奋斗。中国的明天大有希望。    ——温家宝
【摘要】在新课改的背景下,初中英语教学突出了写作教学的作用,英语教师开始重视写作教学,培养学生的写作能力,实现学生的全年发展。培养学生的写作能力属于系统性工作,在教学过程中,教师要注重训练学生的语言技能,引导学生积累词汇和句型,学会运营英语语法。本文提出了初中英语教学中培养学生写作能力的几点策略,提高初中英语写作教学质量。  【关键词】初中英语;写作教学;写作能力;教学策略  【作者简介】马玲莉(
【摘要】英语的教学除了要帮助学生掌握基本的语言知识之外,还承担着锻炼学生思维能力的重要任务。笔者以译林新版《英语》五(上)课文Unit 6 My e-friend的巩固课为例,截取了教学过程中的片段,旨在探讨如何在小学英语教学过程中发展学生的思维品质。  【关键词】思维品质;小学英语;教学片段  【作者简介】钟雨含,江苏省常州市平冈小学。  义务教育阶段的英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学
近日,北京加拿大中侨互助会移民服务中心在京成立,国务院侨办主任裘援平、北京市副市长程红出席成立仪式。  中侨互助会是一个服务于赴加移民的非盈利、非政府组织,旨在为已获批到加拿大移民定居的新移民提供相应的教育、医疗、就业等服务信息,帮助移民提前了解移民国的有关情况,以便更好地融入新的环境,为移民生活和事业发展打下基础。  互助会相关负责人表示,此次在京成立服务中心,必将进一步促进中加两国在人才、经济
海华考上了县城高中,一家人高兴坏了。可高兴劲一过就开始发愁了,因为借来借去,海华的学费总算有了,可生活费还差不少。  海华满不在乎地说:“爸、妈,别愁了,钱多就多吃,钱少就少吃,我节省点就挺过去了。”  妈还没开口,爸先瞪着眼嚷开了:“什么多吃少吃,屁话!你正是长身体的时候,能少吃吗?走,跟我叉鱼去,万一碰上个甲鱼呢?”  在村子北边一眼望不到头的水荡内,海华和爸边走边瞪大眼在水面上寻觅着,雪白的
1 “北京共识”偃旗息鼓  英 《经济学人》5月8日    中国官员一直声称要节俭办世博,但事实并非如此。世博开幕式上的烟花、镭射光束、喷泉和舞者,其奢华程度堪比北京奥运。中国显示自身活力的劲头简直不可遏制,这也在—定程度上引发了世人对“中国模式”的钦佩之情。西方的担心也开始溢于言表:这个不符合西方民主定义的国家,它所获得的成功对世界意味着什么?  但在中国国内,是否真的存在“中国模式”或“北京共
【摘要】学生只有在实际运用中才能真正感受到英语的魅力与价值,进而产生后续学习的不竭动力,所以教师在设计课堂教学活动时应注重创设真实的语境,让学生将知识用“活”起来,指导学生在语境中接触、体验、理解和创造性地运用所学语言,帮助学生内化所学语言知识,构建多维语言体验,在参与语言交流过程中提高语言运用能力。  【关键词】语言运用能力;交流欲望;丰富元素;学用结合  【作者简介】石兰,江苏省昆山市千灯中心
减负增效一直以来是教学中所面临的较为复杂的议题,既要减负但同时又要增效,这是我们教师所期盼的理想境界。不知从什么时候开始,学生跳进了题海不能自拔,学生漫无边际地做着一张张试卷和一页页练习题,身心疲惫。教师中也经常听到同样的抱怨:“看我给他们做了那么多练习,考出的成绩仍然那么差!”声声叹息中有着学生的无奈,教师的失望。我就提高教学的有效性来减负增效粗浅地谈几点:  一、课堂教学中常见的影响课堂有效实