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农业部近日发出通知,要求各地乡镇企业管理部门切实做好《乡镇企业法》的学习宣传和贯彻实施工作,进一步促进、引导、保护和规范乡镇企业的发展。去年10月29日《中华人民共和国乡镇企业法》由八届全国人大常委会通过并由国家主席江泽民签署主席令公布后,农业部有关业务部门立即组织了学习。农业部认为,《乡镇企业法》的公布施行,不仅仅是事关乡镇企业发展长远的、根本性的一件大事,而且是事关国民经济和社会发展全局的战略性的一件大事。农业部在通知中,要求各地乡镇企业主管部门,充分认识实施《乡镇企业法》的重大意义,迅速掀起学习宣传和贯彻实施《乡镇企业法》的高潮,大力加强乡镇企业干部职工的普法教育和培训工作,坚决维护乡镇企业合法权益,依法规范乡镇企业的行为,积极履行乡镇企业行政管理部门的职责,尽快制定实施办法和配套法规,切实加强执法监督和检查。 The Ministry of Agriculture recently issued a circular calling on the township enterprise management departments of all localities to earnestly do well in the study, publicity and implementation of the “Township Enterprise Law” and further promote, guide, protect and standardize the development of township and village enterprises. After the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Township Enterprises” passed by the Eighth NPC Standing Committee on October 29 last year and announced by the chairman of the State President Jiang Zemin, the relevant business departments of the Ministry of Agriculture immediately organized the study. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the promulgation and implementation of the Law on Township Enterprises not only relates to the long-term and fundamental development of township and village enterprises, but also is a strategic event concerning the overall national economic and social development. In its circular, the Ministry of Agriculture demanded that the competent departments of township enterprises in all localities fully understand the great significance of implementing the Law on Township Enterprises and promptly set off the climax of studying, propagandizing and implementing the Law on Township Enterprises, vigorously strengthening the general education of cadres and workers in township enterprises and Training and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of township and village enterprises, regulate the behavior of township and village enterprises in accordance with the law, actively perform the duties of the administrative departments of township enterprises, formulate implementation measures and supporting laws and regulations as soon as possible, and earnestly strengthen supervision and inspection of law enforcement.
最近中国纤维检验局印发《纯天然纤维含量标志使用管理办法》。 《管理办法》要求,在纯棉制品、纯羊毛制品及纯山羊绒制品中,除为改善制品性能或装饰效果,可在衣口处或辅料中
四、赘余和强调例1对科学问题上的是非之争,采取压制的方式,甚至搞文字狱一类的东西,实属是不明智之举。例2近日新区法院审结了这起案件,违约经营的小张被判 Fourth, Yu Yu