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材料分析题历来是政治高考试卷的“压轴题”“重头戏”。它所占分值大,题目设计新颖,设问角度灵活,材料时代感强,信息容量大,能力要求高。正因为材料分析题注重考查学生能力,所以,它长期以来一直是中学政治课教学的重点所在。但从实际教学效果来看,并不尽如人意。我在教学中发现:学生面对材料分析题,有的迷茫困惑,百思不解,无从下笔;有的不得要领,隔靴搔痒,答非所问;有的思维混乱,丢三落四,文理不通。学生材抖分析题的得分率普遍偏低,这已是多年来困扰中学政治课教学的一大难题。究其原因,主要是教师对学生解题的方法指导不力,学生没有熟练掌握解题的过程、步骤、方法和技巧。那么,教师如何强化解题指导,使学生明确解题的过程、步骤,掌握解题的方法、技巧,探索解题的特点、规律,从而提高政治科考试的成绩呢?现以近几年高考政治试题为例,结合教学实践作以下探讨分析。 Material analysis questions have historically been the “end-point title” and “major event” of the political exam paper. It has a large score, a novel title design, a flexible perspective, a strong sense of material age, a large information capacity, and high ability requirements. Because material analysis questions focus on examining student abilities, it has long been the focus of political teaching in middle schools. However, from the actual teaching results, it is not satisfactory. In my teaching, I discovered that students face material analysis problems, and some are confused and puzzled. They can’t understand what they are doing. Some do not have the essentials, they don’t want to answer the questions, and they’re not asked to answer questions. Some have confusion, lose everything, and have no knowledge of arts and sciences. The scoring rate of student shake analysis questions is generally low. This has been a major problem that has plagued political teaching in middle schools for many years. The main reason is that teachers do not have sufficient guidance for students to solve problems. Students do not master the process, steps, methods, and techniques of problem solving. Then, how can teachers strengthen the problem-solving guidance so that students can clearly solve the problems and procedures, grasp the methods and techniques for solving problems, and explore the characteristics and laws of problem solving, so as to improve the scores of the political examinations? Test questions, for example, combined with teaching practice for the following discussion and analysis.
从农村到城镇的小学数学教学生涯:笔者认为:后进生的转化工作至关重要,非重视不可。 From rural to urban primary school mathematics teaching career: I believe that: b
冬天来临,天气很冷。蜂巢(Chao)里,爸爸妈妈催促(cui cu)着小蜜蜂,让他和哥哥姐姐们一起,齐心协力地振动双翅,散发热量,使蜂巢里的温度始终保持在34摄氏度左右。尽管蜂巢外冰