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采用组织切片方法和常规目测法对黄海鳀鱼的卵巢发育特征进行了研究,描述了卵巢各发育期的特征,对不同发育期卵巢内卵母细胞的发育时相组成、卵径分布、卵巢两叶及其前、中、后部发育的差异情况进行了分析。结果表明,鳀鱼卵母细胞发育不同步;Ⅱ期卵巢由1~3时相卵母细胞组成,2时相卵母细胞在数量上占优势(66.3%);Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅵ期卵巢均由1~4时相卵母细胞组成,其主要区别在于4时相卵母细胞所占比例不同,其中Ⅳ期卵巢中最高(34.8%),Ⅲ期次之(28.6%),Ⅵ期最低(17.8%);Ⅴ期卵巢由1~5时相卵母细胞组成,已发育成熟的5时相细胞所占比例最高(29.8%);卵巢由Ⅲ期到Ⅴ期的发育过程中,主要是3、4时相卵母细胞向4、5时相的发育,1、2时相细胞所占比例基本不变。卵母细胞的粒径分布呈明显的峰、谷特征,这与以前对该问题的“浅锯齿状分布”认知有明显不同;Ⅲ和Ⅵ期卵巢内的卵径(长径)呈单峰分布,优势粒径组均为0.5~0.6mm;Ⅳ和Ⅴ期卵巢呈双峰分布,优势粒径组分别为0.2~0.3mm、0.7~0.8mm和0.5~0.6mm、1.1~1.2mm;Ⅴ期卵巢两个优势卵母细胞群在粒径分布上彼此分离,粒径较大的群内均为水合卵母细胞,呈现出明显的分批产卵特征。鳀鱼卵巢左叶大、右叶小,右/左重量比值为0.71,95%置信区间为(0.67,0.75);卵巢叶间和叶内部位间卵母细胞的发育状态无显著差异(P>0.05)。 Ovarian development characteristics of the yellow catfish were studied by histological sections and conventional visual methods. The characteristics of each stage of ovarian development were described. The developmental stages of oocytes in different developmental stages, Leaf and its differences in the development of the front, middle and back were analyzed. The results showed that the development of oocytes was not synchronized. The stage Ⅱ ovaries consisted of 1 ~ 3 phase oocytes, the number of oocytes at 2 o’clock was predominant (66.3%). The stage Ⅲ, Ⅳ and Ⅵ ovaries The main difference is that the proportion of oocytes in stage 4 is the highest (34.8%) in stage Ⅳ, followed by stage Ⅲ (28.6%), and stage Ⅳ is the lowest 17.8%). The stage Ⅴ ovary consisted of phase 1 ~ 5 phase oocytes, which had the highest percentage of mature phase 5 cells (29.8%). The stage Ⅲ to Ⅴ ovarian development was mainly 3 , 4 o’clock phase oocyte development to 4,5 phase, 1,2 phase cells in the proportion remained basically unchanged. The size distribution of oocytes showed obvious peak and valley features, which were obviously different from those of the “jagged distribution” in the past. The ovary (longest diameter) in stage Ⅲ and stage Ⅵ ovary Unimodal distribution and dominant diameter group were all 0.5 ~ 0.6mm. The ovaries in stage Ⅳ and Ⅴ presented bimodal distribution. The dominant diameter groups were 0.2 ~ 0.3mm, 0.7 ~ 0.8mm and 0.5 ~ 0.6mm, 1.1 ~ 1.2mm ; Ⅴ ovarian two groups of dominant oocytes were separated from each other in particle size distribution, the larger the size of the population were hydrated oocytes, showing a clear batch spawning characteristics. There was no significant difference in the developmental status of oocytes between the leaves and the inner leaves of ovary (P> 0.05) 0.05).
简明介绍了现代红外线测温仪的原理、性能 ,及在电气防火安全检测中的实际应用。 Briefly introduces the principle, performance of modern infrared thermometer, as wel
试验分别以报纸条、聚丙烯绳和谷草把作为产卵底物来研究粘虫的产卵情况 ,试验结果表明 ,粘虫在谷草把和聚丙烯绳上的产卵量均显著高于在报纸条上的产卵量 ,聚丙烯绳与谷草把
分析了通信机房的火灾危险性 ,通过试验论证了在机房中设置火灾报警系统出现的特殊问题 ,并提出了相应的对策。 The fire risk of the communication room is analyzed. The