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五寸人参系合肥丰乐种业蔬菜种子公司选育成的中熟胡萝卜新品种。该品种产量高、生育期适中,从播种到收获110d 左右。叶簇生直立,绿色深裂。苗期由原根色浅,后期逐渐转红,不易裂根分叉,皮细光滑。肉质根长圆形,橙红色。味脆甜,品质佳,胡萝卜素含量高,生熟食均宜,产量4 000~5 000kg/667m~2,其高产栽培技术如下。1 土壤选择及整地施基肥该品种根系较深,分布广,叶子较小,较耐干旱,不耐湿,怕积水,为使肉质根正常生长,应选择土壤砂质疏松、土层深 Five-inch ginseng is Hefei Fengle Seed Industry Vegetable Seed Company bred into a new variety of ripe carrots. The varieties of high yield, moderate growth period, from sowing to harvest about 110d. Leaves clustered erect, green parted. Seedling from the original root color shallow, later gradually turn red, not easy to crack root bifurcation, skin smooth. Fleshy root oblong, orange-red. Sweet and crisp, good quality, high content of carotene, raw and cooked food should be appropriate, yield 4 000 ~ 5 000kg / 667m ~ 2, its high-yielding cultivation techniques are as follows. 1 soil selection and land preparation base fertilizer The variety of deep roots, wide distribution, leaves smaller, more resistant to drought, moisture, fear of stagnant water, in order to make the fleshy root normal growth, should choose the soil loose sandy soil depth
目的 研究强化过氧化氢消毒液在低温下的消毒效果及其影响因素.方法 采用悬液定量和载体浸泡定量杀菌试验方法,对某强化过氧化氢消毒液在低温下的消毒效果及影响因素进行观察
介绍了3G的国际发展状况及我国为3G积极、稳妥的发展所做的准备工作,并详细介绍了3G技术的发展趋势。 Introduced the international development of 3G and the preparatio