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王守奇是四川省南部县双峰乡龙马镇 村小学教师。双峰乡2003年全乡人均口粮 还不足400斤,人均收入不到200元。20年 来,王老师靠喂猪、养鱼、种菜供养了398 名学生,其中18人后来进入大学。这些孩 子吃住在王老师家里,每年只需交75斤大 米。除了王老师的工资,当地政府20年对 这所“学校”几乎没有什么投资,但它却奇 迹般地延续下来,而且保证了100%的入学 率,被教育界人士称为“王守奇现象”。(《中 国青年报》) Wang Shouqi is a primary school teacher in Longma Town, Shuangfeng Township, Southern County, Sichuan Province. Shuangfeng township in 2003 per capita rations less than 400 pounds, per capita income of less than 200 yuan. Over the past 20 years, Wang has provided 398 students by feeding pigs, raising fish and planting vegetables, and 18 of them later went to university. These children eat and live in Mr. Wang’s home, only to pay 75 pounds of rice per year. In addition to Mr. Wang’s salary, the local government for 20 years of this “School ” with little investment, but it miraculously continued, but also to ensure 100% enrollment rate, the education sector is called phenomenon“. (”China Youth Daily")
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甲:你呀,真是个特困生!乙:胡说!哪像?甲:不是吗?每天不是听到你说肚子饿就是眼困,这不是特困生是什么? A: You, it’s a really poor student! B: Nonsense! What’s like?
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