超然物外 怡然自得——苏东坡收藏逸事

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众所周知,米芾爱好收藏,对书画石头收藏有加,号称米巅。殊不知,北宋另一位书画大家苏轼也是一个收藏迷,他的收藏或许不为人所知,几乎没人提及。事实上,苏轼不仅是鉴藏家,同时也是收藏的理论家。对于其收藏的具体事迹,我们从他的一些书籍笔记,如《超然台记》《墨妙亭记》《宝绘堂记》《墨宝堂记》以及《李氏山房藏书记》中可以发现很多有关他收藏的方方面面。本文试图通过苏轼的收藏往事,挖掘出苏轼另一面不为人知的人格魅力,使东坡的形象更具立体感。 As we all know, m 芾 hobby collection, collection of calligraphy and painting stone increase, known as m top. As everyone knows, another Northern Song Dynasty calligraphy and painting everyone Su Shi is a fan of collections, his collection may not be known, almost no one mentioned. In fact, Su Shi is not only a collector but also a collector’s theorist. For the specific deeds of his collection, we can find out some of his book notes, such as “Transcendental Taiji”, “Mo Miao Ting Ji”, “Bao Hui Tong Ji”, “Mo Ba Tong Ji”, and “Li Shan Shan Fang Shou Ji” A lot about his collection of all aspects. This article tries to discover the strange charm of Su Shi on the other hand through the collection of Su Shi and make the image of Dong Po more three-dimensional.
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