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在去年10月召开的沈阳市技术创新大会上,沈阳昌普科技发展有限公司总经理付超的经验报告,引起与会1000多名代表的广泛关注。这个1993年靠10万元贷款创业,到目前已发展壮大为2500万元,总资产达60000万元,年产值数千万元,产品的国内市场占有率达50%,还承担多项国家级科技项目的高新技术企业,在促进持续发展壮大的众多因素中,最根本的是创新。创新使昌普繁荣发达,创新是昌普持续发展的巨大动力。昌普公司主要科技人员来自中科院的研究所。90年代初,总经理付超等人大胆地打破传统的科研模式,开创了一条走出科研殿堂,面向广大市场,创办科技实业的成功之路。他们对能源中的电池材料市场进行了认真的调查、研究和分析,认为在今后若干年内镍氢电池作为一种新型的绿色能源,在国内和国际市场都将会有很大的需求。当时国际上电池产品正在更新换代,他们选准了在国际上面世不久给电池行业带来技术革命的新 In October last year, held in Shenyang City Conference on Technology Innovation, Shenyang Chang Pu Technology Development Co., Ltd. Fuchai, general manager of the experience report, attracted more than 1,000 delegates attended the widespread attention. This 1993 by 100,000 yuan loan business, has grown to 25 million yuan, with total assets of 600 million yuan, the annual output value of tens of millions of dollars, the product’s domestic market share of 50%, but also take a number of national Science and technology projects of high-tech enterprises, in promoting sustainable development and growth of many factors, the most fundamental is innovation. Innovation Chang made prosperous prosperity, innovation is Chang Pu sustained development of great power. Chang Pu company’s main scientific and technological personnel from the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the early 1990s, General Manager Fu Chao et al boldly broke the traditional scientific research model and created a successful way out of the scientific research hall, the vast market and the establishment of science and technology industries. They carefully investigated, researched and analyzed the market of battery materials in energy. They think that as a new type of green energy, nickel-metal hydride batteries will be in great demand both at home and in the international market in the next few years. At that time the international battery products are being replaced, they selected the world in the near future to the battery industry to bring a new technological revolution
中关村的发展已经有20多年的历史,面对新的发展形势,中关村在挖掘自身价值的时候,也需要用创新的精神保持并发展中关村所具有的创新的文化价值。 The development of Zhongg
Deformation behavior of slab at the straightening stage during continuous casting was simulated by the explicit dynamic finite element method,and the stress dis
为成为更具平台独立性的网络服务提供商,Novell公司正在推出新版本的网络管理与桌面管理套件ManageWise 2.6,其中包括了对windowsNT的控制台支持。据Novell公司产品营销经理